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"No wings, genderlessness?"

That made her smile. "Those days are gone."

"And the Gods are based on you, I mean us?" I still couldn't believe it.

"Yes. Ciara was of the elements, Bellys gave love to young and old, and Alyssa's gift was life and death. Men worshipped them. Human lives are short and ours long, but even we don't live forever. It is said they lived an hundred thousand years before turning into myths. But we know they where real. We are their children, descended from their line. Sometimes we mingled with men, and some say we mated with beasts and plants and by that road got their characteristics. Of course that isn't true. In the beginning we could transform into animals. When we could no longer, we kept some of their ways. As for plants, we've always been close to nature. You're born with one in your eyes. It's a bud that slowly unfurls as you grow older. Usually a flower, but a leaf or a different thing that bares seed is also possible. When it withers and becomes a seed, you know the end is near."

"But I don't see anything in your eyes," I said.

"That's because there's a sort of shield that hides us from you, and yourself. In a few days it will be gone. I'm the goldenberry," Laura replied.

"And these trees... are they even trees? Or just gigantic flowers? And is the tulip your... family thing?"

"So many questions... but yes, they are trees, called Zalkun. They take the shape of the inhabitant's plant. My mom's the tulip. When she withers it'll become the goldenberry. That's me. Flynn'll move out. He's indian cress. Now, one more question. I'm not supposed to be telling you any of this, but mom talked about how difficult it was for Rosalinda, so I figured you could use a little help. So, what d'ya wanna know?"

What I wanted to know? Everything and more about this place, but I only had one question to ask.

"Who should I ask what question tomorrow?"

"That's two, but I'll give you them. Best ask Ajala," she paused, "Ask her what the Heart is."

"I will."

"Now come, I'll introduce you to the coolest people around."

Laura cleared the cups and beckoned me to come with her.

We went towards the village and greeted people here and there. All knew Laura, and gave me respectful nods.

There was a tree – yes, a real, normal tree this time – in the middle of the grove. It was huge, thick branches in all directions. "The Hollow Oak" read a freshly painted sign. Inside it was crowded and cosy. We ascended the steep spiral staircase that went up to a doorframe, beyond it only the open sky. There the youthful sat between the branches. Some alone, lovers together and a few groups here and there. Laura led me to the largest. I spotted Melany and her ducklings sitting as far away as possible. She glanced down at me, the corners of her mouth turning down slightly.

"Hey guys, meet our new friend, Alyssa," Laura announced. All looked up.

"Uh-oh," a boy with a chocolate-brown mop of hair, warm brown eyes, and white straight teeth said, "better be nice to her or we'll all mysteriously disappear soon."

We all laughed. It was an association with the goddess, who had the reputation of being easy to anger and made sure her enemies vanished.

"And better not be her enemy when she leads," added another.

It took me a bit to settle in; I'd never really had any friends beside Flynn, especially no large groups. It'd always felt as if the little ladies only befriended me because I was a princess. But here we were equals. They included me in every conversation, and shared their food with me without a second thought, so I soon felt at ease. We laughed and talked and drank some elderflower-honey drink until twilight. Then the boy – Otley, nicknamed the Otter – shouted, "Hey, there's our very own redhead!"

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