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Feathers brushed my knees.

East we flew, past lush meadows and dark forests, flat deserts and deep seas. The land beneath was asleep, and up here we were alone.

Sounds from down below were heard, yet there was silence.

I never feared to fall, and the cold didn't chill my skin.

It felt like a dream, a wonderful dream, but I knew it was real.

When Jas had stood on my balcony, wings unfurled, head high, I hadn't questioned, just known. Known that the dream after my fall was real, her wings where real, that this place was true. This place of wonder and mystery.

Down below I saw my tree, and many others. All was wrapped in shadows.

The throne stood on its hill, bathing in the moonlight. We circled around it and landed. I stepped forward and carefully sat down on the soft green moss. It seemed to form to my body, making it very comfortable. The fruit that grew on the chair was almost impossibly delicious and nourishing. I offered Jasmin one, but she wouldn't touch it, so I ate the fruit for her.

In the distance a rooster called for morning. Together we walked toward my tree, and I clambered up. Jas joined me upstairs. She lay down and looked at me. I curled up under her wing and fell asleep, exhausted.

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