Chapter 7

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Note to Reader: Another shortie- only epilogue left! Also, it is now available wide to purchase :).


When I woke up again, Lorenzo was still in the chair next to the bed,though he looked like he'd bathed and changed, his hair still damp.

"Hey," I croaked.

He squeezed my hand and smiled.

"Hey. Sam said I can get you the hell out of here as soon as you feel up to it."

"Well, shit." I threw the covers aside without checking to see if I was still hooked up to anything.

Luckily, I wasn't.

I was also butt naked, but I was as comfortable in that state as I was fully clothed. And the way I felt at the moment, the whole fucking camp could point and laugh at me if they wanted.

I had no fucks left.

"Whoah, easy there," Lorenzo admonished, coming to my side as I teetered to my feet. "He didn't say you were ready to run a marathon, just that you could finish recuperating at home. In bed."

I took a few deep breaths to combat the light-headedness.

"Don't worry. I don't think I'll put on my running shoes quite yet," I said wryly.

"Here, let me help you get dressed. I already have your stuff packed."

Alright, probably best to focus on one thing at a time.

I was dressed quickly enough in a pair of sweatpants and a button down that Lorenzo did up for me.

Not the most fashionable outfit, but I didn't want to pull on my stitches trying to get a t-shirt on and sweatpants were about all I was up to at the moment.

When I walked outside, there was already a car waiting for us.

Thank God.

I didn't want to let on how weak I actually felt and now I wouldn't have to.

Lorenzo helped me into the passenger seat and circled around to get into the driver's.

I was asleep again before we even got out of camp.

When I woke up, we were still driving.

"How are you feeling?" Lorenzo asked, looking over at me.


That was a lie, but at least I didn't feel like I was dying anymore.

The look he gave me let me know he knew I was full of shit, but he let it slide.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously, finally feeling well enough to actually consider that detail.

Neither of us joined a new pack. Maybe unclaimed territory?

Lorenzo took a deep breath and let it out.

"My old pack."

I whipped my head over to him hard enough that my whole body felt it-and not in a good way.


"It's not what you think," he said quickly.

"It isn't? Because what I think is that it sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard! No way are we going there! No way are you going back to that sadistic, narcissistic prick's-"

"Haas is dead."

I shut my mouth with a click, stunned.

It took me a few beats to redirect my brain.

"They killed him? I mean, what he did was bad, but I didn't think the host pack would move so quickly and decisively. Just the amount of red tape..." I shook my head, trying to wrap my head around this.

"No. I killed him." Lorenzo glanced over at me briefly. "I killed Haas. After re-joining the pack. So, um, I'm kind of Alpha now."

I stared at him, my thoughts coming to a complete standstill as my brain went totally blank.

Lorenzo looked over at me, frowning.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

Was I okay?

"Am I okay?! When the hell did you kill Haas?" I half yelled. "Wait, you need to pull over."

He didn't argue, immediately steering the car to the side of the road.

He waited until we were parked to answer me.

"I challenged him while you were out of it," he said calmly,turning in his seat so he could look at me.

"You challenged him while I was unconscious? What if something had happened to you!" I felt anger at the risk he'd taken, but my main emotion was sheer terror at what could have happened.

He sighed.

"I was willing to take the risk. I was tired of having to always look over my shoulder. Haas...he should never have been Alpha to begin with. He was obviously too unstable. And I didn't know if he would keep coming after me, after us." Lorenzo shook his head. "I was done. After seeing you hurt like that, waiting while Sam performed surgery..."

He looked over at me, his eyes tearing up a little.

Aw, man.

How the hell was I supposed to stay mad at him?

I scrubbed my face with my hands, running them through my hair.

I shook my head.

"Don't do something like that again. Not without talking to me first," I finally relented, looking over at him. "How do you think I would have felt if I woke up and..."

I couldn't even finish the sentence.

Lorenzo nodded.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

I sighed.

I didn't like him looking so fragile.

I reached over and pulled him into my arms for a tight hug, ignoring the twinges of my still healing body.

"I love you."

I didn't even think about it, it just came out.

And I didn't feel panic at saying it or fear that he wouldn't reciprocate. It wasn't about that.

I just wanted him to know.

He shuddered against me, his arms tightening around me.

"I love you too."

I squeezed him tighter.

"Sorry I didn't wait for a more romantic moment."

He chuckled, kissing the side of my neck.

"I don't need romance. I just need you."

Well hell.

Just break my heart why don't you.

We stayed like that for a little while and then Lorenzo put the car into gear and we began driving again, my hand linked with his.

I didn't care where we were going.

I knew it was home because it would be with him.

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