Chapter 2

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Relief trickled through me when the dinner bell ring.

I'd known getting out was a good idea, but I never would've guessed that Haas would stoop so low as to send people to physically hurt me.

They'd offered me the opportunity to simply go back to the pack, but when I'd firmly and clearly refused that idea, they'd been ready to carry out orders to make me unable to fight.

What did Haas think that would accomplish? That I would simply return if nobody else wanted me?

I would rather go rogue.

Mentally shaking my head at his flawed logic, I followed Thatcher into the mess tent and the line for food.

Mario waved at me and I waved back, but I didn't make a beeline for him. I didn't really feel like talking at the moment.

Thatcher and I silently made her way into a quiet corner of the tent.

He didn't seem big on talking at the moment either.

I glanced at him as I started eating.

He'd had no reason to jump in like he had. He could have left me to my own devices, let me deal with the problem myself.

But he hadn't.

Which meant I owed him. I'd remember that.

But I also didn't want to put him in that kind of situation again.

His advice to avoid being alone was well-intentioned and practically correct, but I didn't want to use his presence as a deterrent for anyone.

It didn't seem fair.

Lost in my own thoughts, I finished eating.

Servers walked around offering mugs of beer to whoever wanted some.

Neither Thatcher or I fell into that trap.

Only an idiot would let alcohol compromise him at this point.

It could very well be a different kind of test for us. Alphas would be able to see who had self control and good judgment.

Fighting with a hangover sounded horrible.

We left the tent before things got too rowdy, preferring the relative quiet of the cool night outside instead.

"Do you feel like a run?" Thatcher asked as we walked.

A run did sound nice. It was still pretty early and I'd had that nap earlier, even though it had been so rudely interrupted. I didn't want to go to sleep just yet.


I followed him passed the perimeter of the camp, walking until we were far enough away not to smell or hear too much.

Thatcher began to strip unceremoniously.

I did my best not to stare as his impressively muscled body came into view.

The last thing I needed right now was to be sporting an erection.

I looked away and stripped quickly, closing my eyes and willing the change to take me over.

The familiar wave worked its way through my body, feeling like a good stretch- painful and enjoyable.

Shaking out body to settle my fur from my new lower position, I looked over to see Thatcher doing the same.

Thatcher's Mate (Gay Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now