Mistress of Darkness

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Upon opening your eyes, all you saw were his. His sparkling and beautifully lit blue eyes gazed into yours, and looking in the corner of your eye, you noticed you were in Storybrooke, in the middle of the road in the dead of night. Looking back at your lover, you see his hesitation. Your expression, however, did not mirror his confusion and heartbroken terror. Your colorless lips, blending into your pale and moonlit skin, formed a sly smile upon looking at the horror of his and the rest of your friend's faces. A dark, almost cheery laugh escaped your lips when you felt those dark thoughts cloud every part of your mind, and you alone could hear the whispers and taunts of past Dark Ones, calling to the dagger...your dagger.


You look down to see that you were wearing a black leather dress made for the Enchanted Forest with a dark hood and cloak attached to it. Your eyes were covered in black make up. Mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, etc. Your hair had grown longer and turned into a shade blacker than black and placed nice and snug into your belt buckle was the Dark One's dagger...with your name engraved on it.

You grin at Emma's voice calling out to you, "Sadly, Y/N's dead."

Emma's eyes were their usually big and teary-eyed self, with her long thin lips formed into a frown of betrayal. Her arms held Henry back from going any closer to you while David and Mary Margaret stood beside them, with Baby Neal in Snow's arms. Regina and Robin stood close, as the once former Evil Queen scoffed in the sad disbelief she felt seeing you like this.


You rolled your eyes, slowly starting to walk a circle around all of them, snarling in your nasty, sly voice, "Maybe I was sick and tired of being some naive girl you all thought needed protecting. That you all thought was too weak to aid you on your adventures or your small tasks at saving the world. That I couldn't take all that evil and defeat it myself!"

"Y/N, you've seen so many awful things happen in your life, we didn't want you to go through anything else-!" Mary Margaret tried to reason with you, her eyes full of sadness.

"THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST GIVEN ME THE DECENCY OF SAYING GOODBYE TO BAELFIRE!" You roared suddenly, driving Emma and Mary Margaret to tighten their grip around their children.

You had never forgiven your so-called friends from keeping you from your brother for so long, even in death, thinking that they were protecting you from all the pain that went with your older brother, Neal. The only man in your whole life who had stayed by your side, no matter the betrayal or unspeakable things you've done.

"Both times I lose him, and you keep me from him. When he went through that portal, shot, and when he sacrificed himself for our father. Both times, you had kept me away in fear that I might be triggered to do something evil again...There was so much I wanted to say to him...but you just kept him all to yourself, right, Emma?"

You had stopped walking right in front of the Saviour, the very person who had all your brother's affection. You had grown to stand taller than her, and not slouching away like a coward that you usually were. You had glared down into her soul as she tried desperately to stand tall against you, but she knew this was the ultimate betrayal, and she couldn't be strong against the Dark One...especially if that very Dark One was her best friend.

You knew this. You knew that you were a weakness to Emma, and you knew she would never try to hurt you, unlike any other villain she's faced, "You took away my one chance of making things right with the only man who ever believed in me. Now..."

You lean forward to whisper in her ear, a smile forming on your lips again, "I'm going to take away everyone who's ever believed in you."

Killian "Hook" Jones ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora