Chapter One

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So, something completely different...I'm struggling with writer's block and I'm hoping that if I write something new, it will get my juices flowing. I saw something on one of the many group's walls and it intrigued me, The Twi-Sci-Fi/Fantasy Contest. I've always been interested in Star Trek and science fiction. Even before Twilight, it caught my attention. I even wrote some Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fic, but never posted it. Anyhow, the idea that I had couldn't really lend itself to a one-shot. I decided to make it full-length fic (or novella...whichever it turns out to be).

Now, none of this mine. I'm not Stephenie Meyer, nor do I claim to be. I just like to play with her characters because they make me forget about my life for a while. I also do not own Star Trek, which the space aspects of the story is loosely based off of. Everything mine.

Summary: She was the leader of her people.

He was a gruff, by-the-book star ship captain.

An interstellar war, negotiations for a peace treaty gone wrong and a taboo relationship between two species.

Captain Edward Cullen was in charge of the starship, Volvo. He, along with his crew, were given a mission to deliver Empress Nirabelle of the Cygnarian people to the nearby planet of Lapus, to negotiate a treaty between their two worlds. For over a millennia, they have been fighting a vicious battle. For what? They don't even know. It's ingrained in their minds and their history.

The Empress is to meet with the Crown Prince of Lapus, Jakob. The Volvo is transporting her and her envoy, Maralice to the planet. There are strict rules in place for the Empress's transport. She is to not have any contact with any males on the ship, per the cultural norms of Cygnarian society. The trip should take as little time as possible and if no headway has been made within one day of being in orbit, Captain Cullen is to transport the Empress from the planet's surface.

However, something goes terribly wrong on Lapus. One communication to the Volvo and a brief face-to-face conversation forever changes the future of the Empress and Captain Cullen.

Will they survive this threat or are the Star Crossed lovers doomed before they even have a chance?

Star Crossed

Chapter One


"Captain, you have a hail from Admiral Cullen," said the communications officer, Lt. Riley. "He says it's urgent and delicate, sir."

"Send it to my ready room," I responded curtly. "I'll speak with him there."

"Understood," Lt. Riley nodded.

I got up from my chair on the bridge of my ship, the starship, Volvo. I nodded to my first officer, Commander Jasper Whitlock. He barely acknowledged me, but then again, he never did. I knew he was bitter about being passed over for the command of his own ship and under my leadership. Striding across the bridge, I used my thumb to open the door of my ready room, the office just off the bridge. Walking a little slower, I sat down at my desk and turned on the terminal. The waiting communiqué was blinking on the screen. Pressing the screen, I saw the face of my father appear. "Admiral?"

"I just received your report on the last mission we sent you on," my father said, looking at the tablet in front of him. "You're building yourself quite a reputation as a negotiator and a diplomat, Edward."

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