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The morning broke and I woke to the sound of noises coming from the bathroom. I was near the wall and Matt was near the opening of the bunk curtains. I looked to Matt. Aw he's so beautiful, the way he slept was soundly and the way he held his arm around me. I didn't want to move. I slowly and quietly as I could move out the bunk and off. I slowly made my way downstairs until the bathroom door opened and I saw Veronika walk out.

"Hey, we're both up early" I said laughing.

"I know, surprise" she laughed back.

"Should we make breakfast for the boys before they wake since its early?" I asked.

She nodded her head as we both headed downstairs. We both searched the cabinets and found some pancake batter, along with eggs which was about it since food was limited when it came to tour. Sometimes there was barely anything on tour because we'd eat at restaurants and order food. I began making the eggs as Veronika made the pancakes. Luckily for us we had so many fruits thanks to Veronika and I, because we'd always made sure we had fruits.

"Anything we're doing today? I know Matt wanted to go out for some German fun" I said.

"I think Padge wanted to go out, but I'm not sure what, he did mention going out to a restaurant so I think we're going to do just that" she said flipping the pancakes.

"Oh okay, I think we're doing something as well, Matt didn't mention much except he did say a few looks, I'm not sure what that means" I said focusing back on the eggs.

"Ah I can't wait to be in my own bed even if it means for a couple of days" she laughed.

Being girls on tour sucked because you had to worry about feminine things, not showering for days at a time, you're on a bus with 7+ guys, you'll likely bring your entire wardrobe, fans hate on you, you can't sightsee as much especially on show day, and so many more, but good things do come out of it such as seeing new places whether it's on a show day or not, meeting new people, watching bands that people only ever dreamed of, and most importantly being with the person you love and touring with the band you're damn proud of.

Few minutes the boys began coming down. Jamie was the first one.

"Smells life a morning" Jamie laughed.

"And it will taste like a morning" Veronika said fixing him a plate, "Here you go" giving him a plate.

"Yum!" Jamie said eyeing the plate.

He began eating.

"Don't forget your fruits" I said point to the small bowl of fruits.

"Do I have too?" He laughed with a stuffed mouth.

"Jamie, don't do that, you might choke" I said.

He stopped, smiled at me then continued to eat. Padge and Richie then came down. Richie sat at the booth as Padge walked to Veronika and gave her a kiss.

"Morning sweet love" Padge said as Veronika handed him a plate.

"Morning babe, go eat" she said and handed Richie a plate as well.

"Thank you Veronika and Angie, it's a good thing you guys cooked or else I'd probably burn the kitchen up" Richie laughed then began stuffing his mouth with food.

"You'd never set a foot the kitchen though" I laughed as Richie began smiling.

Afterwards Kevin and Jason came down. Both sat at the booth which was a 8 seater with plenty of room. Veronika handed them both a plate.

"Thank you sweetie" Kevin said.

"Welcome kev" Veronika and I both said in unison.

"Go ahead and eat, I have Matt" I said.

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