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By the looks of it I knew Angie had told Matt about New York. We could hear Matt raising his voice. And the way his body movements were. He was mad. Padge noticed and instantly knew. I suddenly started to worry for Angie especially since Matt was very much mad. Not that Matt would ever hurt Angie, it was just that sometimes your temper gets the best of you.

"Don't worry babe, I'm sure Angie will be fine, we just need to get off this Ferris wheel and then see where it goes from there" Padge said pulling me closer to him.

But I couldn't keep my eyes off them.

"Babe, do you think Matt would ever hurt Angie?" I asked.

I NEVER questioned Matt but I was uncertain since New York was a big deal for Angie and Angie was Matt's world.

"Matt would NEVER hurt her babe, like you and me, don't worry okay. Relax and be with me tonight" he said giving me a kiss.

But that kiss led to us making out until the ferris wheel stopped right at Angie and Matt's cart. We watched as they unbelted and got off. Once Matt got off he quickly stormed off without a second thought. Angie began walking off to him. It moved again and it was our turn to get off. We unbelted and got off.

"Babe I'll be back" I said.

I then followed the direction Angie left in until I found her.

"Angie!" She quickly stopped and turned around.

"Veronika, he's mad, he is mad" she said and began tearing up.

Without hesitation I pulled her into a hug. Trying to comfort her as best as I could. I then saw Padge walking towards us. I motioned him to stop as he did.

"Let's go back to the bus, you can calm there and we can have a few beers and some food" I said as I let her go and we slowly began walking towards the bus.

"No, I don't want to ruin your night with Padge, you guys go have fun" she said.

"No, you're in a bad mood, it's not fun to spend it like this" I said as she constantly looked around.

"It's fine, Veronika, I'll be fine, I just need to find Matt and calm this situation" she said wiping her tears away.

"Sweetheart, it's fine, you girls go back to the bus, I'll find Matt, and we'll have a talk, things will be alright" Padge said.

Knowing she was going to leave without us she nodded her head.

"I'll escort you ladies onward" Padge said.

We all began walking backstage to the tour bus. As we went on fans asked Padge for autographs and photos and we didn't mind one bit of it. We soon reached the bus with Jason, Jamie, Kevin, and Richie sitting outside.

"Alright you girls go inside, I'll find Matt" Padge said.

Angie went onward and into the bus. I stayed.

"I love you, and be safe, there's crazy people out there and alcohol isn't helping" I said.

He pulled me in for a deep kiss and hug.

"Woot woot! You go Padge!"

We pulled away and saw the boys staring and smiling at us.

"Get your own show" Padge said jokingly as they all laughed.

"Alright I love you too babe, and try to keep her in until Matt comes around" he said giving me one last kiss before leaving.

Once Padge left I smiled and waved at the boys as they waved back. I went into the bus and upstairs only to see Angie changed into her PJ's.

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