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It was near the afternoon, not once had I moved from my bunk. And neither did Angie from the lack of noise. No one was in the bus except us. We didn't move at all. Not that we were lazy, but because we were fed up with everything going on around us. I could hear cheering outside and somewhat laughs, but nothing to the extreme. I slowly crept out from under the sheets and poked my head out the bunk. No one was in. It was such a blur the night before and I couldn't exactly recall what had happened except the fact that I was carried to my bunk.

"Veronika?" I heard a whisper.

Then Angie's head poked out from Matt's bunk.

"Is there anyone aboard?" She asking in a low tone as to make sure no one heard even if there was someone.

"No, not that I know of, they should be out by now" I said.

She nodded her head and finally jumped off the bunk. I did the same. We both were dressed in our pjs. Mine was basically shorts, and a take top since it was hot here almost every hour of the day. Angie wore shorts and a t-shirt.

We looked around tired only to see the boys had left in a hurry since most of their clothes were strewn across the hall on into the lounge.

Angie and I both looked at each other and already knew what we had to do. I began gathering Padge's clothes up while Angie picked Matt's clothes up. Of course we had to sort through all of them since we were exactly sure which could be which underneath all the pile of black clothes. The next city we definitely had to do laundry especially when there were no breaks for the boys.

After gathering them all up we had folded the clean ones and threw their dirty clothes into a separate bag.

"I'm going to get ready and likely walk around to see what's going on" Angie said as I nodded my head.

She grabbed her bag and walked into the lounge which us girls used as a changing room since we were surrounding by boys most of the time.

I grabbed my bag and sorted through all my clothes in attempt to find something neat and comfortable to wear. I finally found a match and began changing since there was no one around. Once I finished Angie also came out.

"I am not wearing heels, it's going to hurt" she said taking some sandals out as I chuckled.

"Neither am I and besides its a good day to wear sandals" I said as I began cleaning my face with wipes and start applying my makeup.

Angie also did the same. Of course we both were big on these festivals that led us here and there. And when we did walk around people take photos with us mostly because they were fans of bullet.

After a quite sometime we finally finished our makeup and looked like absolute gems. After all we were pretty cool.

"Should we walk around now?" I asked as Angie got up.

"Yes, we laid in here almost until noon" she said as we both laughed.

"Don't forget your phone" I pointed out.

We both grabbed out phones and left out the tour bus.


It was hard to walk around because we were constantly getting stopped by security since we had our badges under our second shirt. We normally wouldn't show it since some people have tried to steal it from us before.

"God this new selfie of Matt is killing me" Angie said groaning while looking at her phone.

"His new hair cut? I like it, it suits him" I said.

Of course it suited Matt.

"I need to see that man of mine" Angie laughed.

"No kidding, it feels like forever since I've seen Padge, he's such a butterball" I said laughing to Angie.

We walked around the festival and seeing people. We haven't yet found our boys since they didn't take their phones with them.

"We haven't checked at their merch table" I said.

"But I thought they were suppose to not be there" Angie said looking at her phone.

"Padge is killing me" I laughed.

We began walking without no specific destination. As we walked some girls stopped us.

"Can we get a photo with you?" One with black shoulder length hair asked.

"Sure" I said as both Angie and I posed in a selfie with her and her friend.

"Thank you girls, and I just wanted to say you guys are both lucky" she said.

"Aw thanks, what's your name?" Angie asked.

"I'm Carey"

"I'm Shannon"

"Nice to meet you girls" I said as they smiled.

"So are you going to be at the warped tour with bullet?" Carey has asked.

Angie and I looked at each other and away.

"Not sure" Angie said.

We took one more photo then they left happy. We continued to walk to Bullet's merch table.

"They aren't there" I said as we stopped at the merch table. I swear! Where are they? These boys kept us on our feet.

"Backstage, I'm sure" I said looking back at the crowd that cheered for the band that was currently playing on stage.

"We should get back to backstage" Angie said.

We walked back to the bus only to see the crew beside the bus.

"KEVIN" I screeched as Kevin walked out the bus.

"VERONIKA!" He screeched back.

I held my arms out as he did and we both hugged. Suddenly out of nowhere we heard ruckus and Padge runs out of the tour bus.

"KEVIN! Hands off my lady" Padge said.

We both pulled from the hug as Padge walked to me and hugged me.

"I missed you!" He said giving me a kiss.

"I missed you more"I kissed back.

"Not possible" he said kissing back as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Ah I love you" I said giving him a hug.

I looked to see Angie gone as quick. Hmmmmm?

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