Chapter Seven

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Slinking into the club, bass pounding at my skull, I do all I can to give off an air of allure and confidence, asking for attention.

Swaying my hips, I slip through the masses easily as I head towards the bar where I order a lemon, lime bitters and start to casually map the scene. I sip delicately at my straw, seemingly innocent and tap my heeled foot on the floor in time with the beat. I threw on an above the knee length, tight black dress paired with black stilettos. It was part of the act, I needed to commit fully to it and this look came with the job.

Now back to the task at hand.
He is here somewhere. He has to be. My gut instinct tells me so, and I trust my gut. There's a filthy taste in my mouth just thinking about him. So I've got no solid evidence of him doing anything wrong this far, but his file gave me enough to spur me into action.

Stumbling upon another suspicious case file was enough for my killer intentions to soar again, desperate for more blood, more pain, just more. And this man was right up my alley. His file read very plainly, the man was a downright creep but he had gotten away with his crimes due to insufficient evidence - another infuriating problem with the justice system. I may be out of practice, but this one, I knew, was exactly what I needed to relight my fiery, bloodthirsty insides.

Bring it on, I say.

My gaze filters through the faces in the crowd. I spy a man stood by the dance floor alone, he cradles a drink in his right hand and watches the dancers writhing and bumping. He has dark, slightly curly hair and a stiff jaw. My senses are on high alert and everyone looks suspect to me tonight. This man could be dangerous too, but he's not who I'm here for tonight. The thought jolts me from my obvious staring and I continue dragging my vision across the room.

I notice another man sat at a booth at the back of the room with a heavily intoxicated woman. The man has his arm slung around her shoulders, seeming to be holding her up straight as she struggles to sit still. The woman then drops her head onto his shoulder and turns her face into his neck in an act that looks increasingly like what a normal couple would do. I watch for a moment longer as the man tries to wake his companion to no avail before waving over a nearby bouncer to help him get her up and out of the club. That meant that this isn't the guy I'm looking for.

I flick my eyes back to the first man who is still lingering by the dancers but this time when I watch him I note that his eyes follow a lone woman. A pretty brunette girl of average height, she sways her hips to the music unaware of the man. Although she isn't dancing alone, something concerns me about her and I tell myself to keep a watchful eye on her tonight. And him.

Pushing off the bar, I lazily wander about the club, smiling casually at anyone who notices me. I've got to keep up the act otherwise I'll stick out like a sore thumb and I don't want that, it will destroy my plan.

Finding a tall, round table to hover about, I take up my prior action and scan over the room again. There's a short blond man to my left, he's eyeing me with intent and I do my best to ignore the attention, hoping to keep him from approaching me. Unfortunately, short stuff thinks I'm well approachable and gradually makes his way to my side.

This should be good.

"Hi there." He says, leaning upon the table and trying with all his might to flex his bicep harder.

"Hi." I respond, not in the least interested. I knew to expect this though. It is the whole point of being dressed in this manner. I'm trying to grab attention, just not this guys. He isn't the guy.

"You look lonely, I figured I'd offer you some company." He smiles at this, thinking it was a good line.

"No thanks." I reply, not once looking his way.

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