Chapter Sixteen: Suspended

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   { In the picture is Olive (Grace Phipps) Alexia (Maia Mitchell) }

  I woke up with a huge headache, so I got up to go get a Advil when  I see Kaleb in my bed. I freaked and fell off the bed onto someone else. It was Joe. Then there was Mark and Alec and Olive sleeping on the floor.  I was about to wake them to ask what they were doing when I remembered last night.

"Hey guys wake up it's time to get ready for school," I said and the stirred but went back to sleep. That was a big mistake, when I say wake up you should wake up if not then I will wake you up in my own fun away. 

 I dashed down stairs, and ran to the garage. I dug around in the boxes in till I found the air horn I was look. After I grabbed it I grabbed a radio that stopped working a long time ago and just produced a very loud ugly static sound. I ran back to my room.

  I plunged the radio in and turn it on, and blasted the speakers.  They just stirred. Again mistake, I honked the horn. It was so freaking loud it hurt my ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Alec yelled waking up. I unplugged the radio when the others got up.

"What was that for?" Liv asked.

"You guys wouldn't wake up for school, so I woke you up in a very fun way," I said laughing my ass off.

"Lets get ready for school," Kaleb said yawning.


 So it turns out that the boy's have extra clothes with them in their cars and olive didn't have any so she is wearing mine.  But what I didn't know well I should say remember was that I swore I was going to break Amy's plastic nose.

"Well I swore I was going to but I wont in till she says something nasty to me," I said to Kyle who heard about last night from Liv.

" I still don't think it's a good idea," he said. " Hey did you take your meds?"

"Wait meds? For what?" Kaleb asked.

"Oh right they don't know about them, sorry," Kyle said grimacing.  

"It's fine," I told him. "I had to take meds ever since the incident," 

"Why?" Joe asked.

"That is none of your business," I said to them.

"How does this dick head know then?" Kaleb asked pissed.

"Enough Kaleb," I snapped. "He knows because I went to see him in jail to tell him all the pain he caused me and the damaged he had done,"

"I can't believe you would want to be his friend, even after he murdered people you loved," Kaleb said.

 I jumped up so fast my chair fell over. "I don't know what has your panties in a twist Kaleb,"  I said his name like it was poison. " But you need to let it go. It is none of your business why I forgave him, just because your my boyfriend doesn't mean you NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!" I yelled the last part. I turned and walked off with my stuff. 


 Why doesn't he understand? I thought as I walked out the back doors to my car.  He doesn't have to like Kyle or have to like the idea of me taking medicine to help the fact I see my dead sister in my dreams. Which only causes me not to sleep and horrible nightmares. But I wasn't about to tell them that.

"Oh look its the whore again," Amy said waiting by my car.

"What do you want Amy?" I asked. I was so not in the mood to deal with her right now.

"Just to say that me and Kyle had so much fun last night,"

 Wait her and Kyle? How come he never told me he was sleeping with my enemy? I was hurt actually. "I don't know about you Amy  but I don't think Kyle would sleep with you in fear of getting a STD or maybe two," I said. 

"You know Alexia know one likes you. They only put up with you because your Kaleb's girlfriend,"  she spit out the last word like it was poison.

"Well like I told Kaleb before we even started dating. I don't care what people think of me, and definitely not you," I snapped.

  She walked over to me and got into my face. " First you kill you sister then you mom. Whose next your dad?" she asked with a evil smirk knowing that she had gotten me were it hurt the most.

 "Alex why did you run-" Kaleb stopped talking when he saw what was going on.

 I just couldn't help it anymore, I don't care if Kaleb was watching or the principle. I punched Amy right in her fake plastic nose. As soon as I did she screamed and blood was flowing out.

"You bitch! Do you know how much this nose job cost?!?" she cried.

"No not really," I said.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" the principle came out running towards us.

"Sorry sir she said somethings and got what she deserved," I said and walked away.


  I didn't stop, I just turned around and flipped him off and continued to walk away. Besides he can't really suspend me for long. The last day of school is tomorrow. But he did it anyway, not like I would listen. I will be going to school tomorrow not matter what he says.

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