Chapter Eight: Bad girl

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  I got up to get ready for school after what happened. I did  my make up and hair and put on a dress because I still can't wear anything tight on that one leg.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I am outside," Kaleb said.

"Okay I will be right out," I said and hung up. I walked down stairs to see my dad sleeping on the couch. 

"Dad I am leaving. Remember to eat something today," I said walking out the front door.

"Hey," I said when I got into the car.

"Hey," he said giving me a kiss before pulling out of my drive way.


 We made it to school on time. But when we pulled up no one was out front.

"Were is everyone?" I said.

"I don't know," Kaleb said.

"Hey lets go see if their in the gym," Kaleb said walking into school.

"Hey wait up," I called out but he just kept walking.

 I walk into the school and don't see Kaleb. So I walk into the gym. Huge mistake. People every where screamed welcome back. Some yelled as loud as they could.

"What is going on?" I asked confused.

"We did this because you were attacked by a shark and then you survived!" said a super cheery freshman and walked to her first class.

"Okay everyone you seen her and said welcome back now get to class!" the principle Mr. Smith yelled.

"Well that was very cheery," I said.

"Yeah he didn't want to do this but the newspaper and news some how knew so he agreed only because they were going to be here," Kaleb said in a way that made no sense.

"Yeah okay thanks," I told him and walked to first class.


 "Okay class get out the novel I handed out last month, we all will be doing a book assignment," Ms. Sear said.

 Everyone protested but got it out anyway. I lean down and grabbed mine. When I came back up I notice someone put a note on my desk. I opened it, but I looked around to see who wrote it. But when I look at Amy she is staring right at me and smiling a wicked grin.

             Why don't you go kill yourself , BITCH! No one loves you and especially not Kaleb.
             How could he love someone like you? Your such a WHORE!!! But like I said go kill 
             your self. PLEASE DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                  - Love {NOT} Amy Warrens

  What the fuck? I look at here and give her the bird.

"Ms. Black!" my teacher said.

"Yes sir?" I snapped.

"I am not a man young lady and do not ever flip some one off again," Ms. Sear said.

"Sorry but I can't help it my middle finger gets boners for some who is a major bitch and whore," I said and then pretend to think. "Oh wait I know who I was talking about! Its Amy Warrens," I said smirking. 

   People all around me where snickering or full out laughing like all of Kaleb's friends.

"Get out of my class right now!" Ms. Sear said almost yelling.

"Yes well the pleasure is mine sir. And quit frankly I don't think killing myself Amy, would do anything but make your life sad. You wouldn't ever get Kaleb back because me and him love each other. Have you to actually said "I love you" to each other when you were together?" I asked. 

  She didn't even answer me but looked down embarrassed. "Yeah that's what I thought. Oh and FYI," I said stopping at the door. "I am not the one you should be calling a bitch and a whore, all you got to do is look in the mirror," I said and walked out. As Ms. Sear was telling me to get out are she will have me removed.

  I pulled out my phone and texted Kaleb.  
 I just got kicked out of class tell you at lunch! 

I hit the send button and walked into the principles office. After like fifteen minutes of not listening and just nodding my head he let me go to lunch that had just started.


   Not being hungry I walk over to Kaleb's table with everyone's eyes on me. A lot of kids said good job or high fives. But Amy and her army of whore's glared at me. 

"Wow," was all Kaleb said when he saw me.

"What?" I said.

"I saw the video," He said.

"Oh I see. Well if she hadn't gave  me that note nothing would have happened," I said.

"What note?" Kaleb asked.

  I pulled out the note from my bag. "This note," I said handing it to him.

"That's not true, I do love you," to prove it he stood up and kissed me with passion.

"I love you too," I said when we broke. We sat down to finish our lunch period in peace.

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