Chapter One: The schools bad boy

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"Three years ago today my mother died of melanoma. She was a well loved wife and mother. May God and the Heavens be with her." I said stepping down from the podium.

      I looked at everyone's face. They all were crying. I learned a  long  time ago that crying was not going to bring something back. Not even your mom. Walking out of the church I hear my dad talk about my mom. About her beauty {which I got} how nice she was and most of all how much she loved me. But instead of listening to the whole thing I go to my mothers grave.

    At my moms grave I noticed Kaleb, one of the bad boys at our school. Supposedly he is the baddest one. He was a couple graves down from me. Kaleb looked up and saw me staring at him in awe.  He just returned it with a glare. So I glared back at him. 

"Alexia?!" my dad called.

"At mothers grave!" I yelled back.

"Some people are trying to pray," snapped Kaleb.

"Like I care what you do," I snapped back.

"Watch your tone of voice with me," Kaleb said in a warning tone.

But that didn't stop me from snapping back.  "Or what? You'll make my life a living hell? Well here's something for you, Fuck off," I said.

"Oh no I could do so much worst," Kaleb said getting really close to me.

"Alexia?" dad called out from behind me.


"Its time to go home," he said.

"Okay let me finish up here and then I will go to the car," I said. He nodded and went to the car.

"I love you mom, and I miss you so much," I said through tears. Then I put her favorite flowers on her stone, which are pink  lily's.

"How did she die?" Kaleb whispered.

"Oh your still here?" I said.

"You wanna know why people hate you?" he asked angrily. 

"Honestly? No I don't care what they say or think," I said walking way.

"Fine just walk away" he yelled after me.

    And that's what I did, I walked away from Kaleb.

"So whose the boy?" my dad asked me when I got in the car.

"He's just a guy from school," I said buckling up.

"Honey, look I know that your getting older and-"

"Dad I know. Trust me I'm 18 years old," I said cutting him off.

"Yes well just use protection," he said pulling out of the grave yard.

      For the rest of our ride we didn't speak or make a sound. That's how it is  now since mom died. He wont talk and he always forgets to eat so I am always reminding him. 


  When I got home I went straight to my room to do homework, because school is tomorrow and I have been to busy all weekend to finish it.  As I sat at my desk to work my phone goes off. I look at the caller and it says unknown person. 

"Hello is this Alexia?" a deep voice said on the other end.

"Uh...yes this is her. Whose this?"  I asked.

"Its Kaleb. Hey listen I need help," Kaleb said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Well you see I have like this girl since 7th grade and I don't know if she likes me so should I ask her to the party tonight?" Kaleb asked.

"Umm....You should. I mean who doesn't want to party with you?" I tried not to sound disappointed. Because I knew it wasn't going to be me.

"Okay thanks. Hey Alexia?" Kaleb asked.


"Will you go to the party with me? Tonight," Kaleb asked me.

"Yes," I whispered even though I meant no. As much as I wanted to go I knew I shouldn't

"Great pick you up in ten minutes," he said hanging up.

I started running around to get ready for the party. I put on  short shorts and a tank top with makeup. A car  pulled into my driveway. I ran downstairs.

"Bye dad," I said.

"Later hon," he said.

"Oh I might spend the night at a friends," I said.

"Hmmmm...." was all he said as I walked out side. 

Saved by my boyfriendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें