Chapter Seven: Again

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  We went to Kaleb's house to have a party, but just the two of us. But it looks like Kaleb's brother Mathew and his friends were already there.

"Hey bro," Kaleb said hugging his brother.

"Hey you guys wanna hang?" his brother Mathew asked checking me out.

"Sure," I said and Kaleb nodded.

  We sit down and they started to pass around a joint, so I looked at Kaleb. He just shrugged. It comes my way and I shake my head no. Ever since my twin sister died seven years ago I stopped drugs. I wasn't a duggie I just did weed every once in a while.

"Oh come on have some," a long hair freak said.

"No," I said.

"Come on," he pushed.

"I said no," I said firmly. 

"It wont hurt," he said.

"No," I said standing up to leave. 

"Were are you going?" a high Kaleb asked.

"Home," I said disgusted  with him. Even though I used to smoke. I was at the door when I felt someone but his hand on my butt.

"Stop Kaleb," I said and turned around. But it wasn't Kaleb. It was the guy that wouldn't leave me alone about smoking, the one with the long hair.

"Don't ever touch me again," I said.

  He smirked and pushed me against the door. I tried to push him off but I was to weak. The long haired freak started to kiss me so I couldn't scream. I bring my knee up and hit him right were the sun don't shine. It caused him to fall to the ground. I took that moment and I tried to run but he grabbed my ankle and tripped me.

 I let out a scream. "Let me go!" I screamed as he got on top of me. He took out a knife, opened it and cut my shirt right down the middle. "STOP!" I screamed again louder.

"Wha-" Kaleb ran in and saw us. Me under him with my shirt cut open and him on top of me with a knife. He hesitated only a moment before pulling him off me. Kaleb slammed the long haired freak into the door and held him there. Kaleb punched him again and again. The guy was a bloody mess when I got Kaleb to stop. By that time his buddy's came in and I told them what happened. 

"We need to call an ambulance," one guy said.

"Do what you want I am going home," I said glaring at them.

"Alexia wait!" Kaleb called after me from the door. Before running after me.

  When he got to me I turned around and jumped into his arms. I started to cry. "Thank you  Kaleb," I said.

"Your welcome," he said and kissed me. 

I felt something wet touch my shoulder so I looked up. It started to rain.  I looked at Kaleb again and kissed him in the rain.

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