13. Vampires and Research

Start from the beginning

  "Welcome to the party. Pick a girl, any girl" I waive my hand at our guests, "they are all here for our pleasure."

  "Oh my god," Elena runs her hands through her hair in frustration, continuing to gape at the women around her.

  "Get them out of here" Stefan demands. I tilt my head and sneer in response.

  "What, can't a guy have a little fun?" I walk around Stefan and step to Elena. "You get to go off shopping, and not have to worry about getting anything done." She averts her eyes as I make a dig about her night with Nereza. "But when I try to let loose," I take a few steps away from them both, and shrug, "you act like I killed someone."

  I turn back to them with narrowed eyes, a twisted smile playing on my face. Elena glances around in horror, obviously fearful that this is exactly what I have done. Stefan never breaks eye contact, trying to stare me down.

  "Your drunk," he spits his words at me.

  I shrug again, grabbing my half empty glass that had previously been forgetting on a side table, now lifting it up to him.

  "You right!" I bring the glass to my lips and finish the contents in one large gulp.

  "You said you wouldn't bring people here anymore!" Elena, finally reassured everyone present is still breathing, turns her anger back to me.

  "I lied." I shrug again, taking a step closer to her. "I'm the bad guy remember," her eyes soften as I bring up her words from the other night, "that's what we do."

  "Damon," she sighs, but doesn't continue.

  What is there for her to say.

  "Shouldn't you be in school?" I raise my eyebrows in mock surprise. "Oh no!" I cover my mouth with my hand, acting as if I just discovered something horrible. "Are the two little angles skipping school?"

  I finish my act and roll my eyes. Already loosing interest with this exchange I start eyeing up a few girls who are wondering in this direction.

  "This is serious, there has been a-" Stefan starts to scold, but I have no patience for it.

  "Come now baby brother." I interrupt him.

  I reach out for the plump girl with the short auburn hair, and pull her back to me. I wrap my arms around her, she sighs contently as she leans back against me. I sway the two of us as I place my head on top of hers, smiling at Stefan as sweetly as I can manage. "

  You must learn to lighten up." I run my hand down the girls arm. "Join me!" I take a hold of the girl's wrist and hold it out like a peace offering. "AB-, a rare vintage." I tempt him, but am only met with his cold stare.

  "Your a mess," He trails off, looking at me with disguised.

  "And your pathetic!" I sneer, letting the girl go and gently pushing her to move on.

  "We are pathetic?" Elena questions in disbelief. "Your the one who is here getting drunk while we have a major dilemma"

  "Aww, does your pet not want to play anymore?" I wave off her worries, wondering over to a chair and letting myself collapse into it.

  "Nereza is hiding in her house, terrified to leave because she knows vampires exist." Stefan answers dryly.

  He doesn't have the same emotional outburst that Elena may have, but it is easy to see this is bothering him. I sit up straighter in my chair at the mention of her name. I try not to seem interested, but I need to know more. I need to know if she is ok.

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