Ilhoon slightly peeked at Irene leaving the cafè, before placing his attention back towards Sungjae. "Are you fine, dude?"
He snapped back to reality as he replied with a short, "Yes." as he groaned in frustration. Hesitating to reach out for his phone, Ilhoon suddenly let out a huge laugh. "What is it?" He retorted as he glared at his elder friend. "You look like an idiot, she really hits you right in here, right?" He pointed to his chest where his heart is located. He slapped his hand away as he spoke, "You sound too clichè and corny. You're making me cringe." He earned another laugh, "You'll realize when you fall for it completely, Sungjae. You would realize." He rolled his eyes, really.


"Where are we going?" She asked as she was being dragged inside his car. He snickered as he started the engine, "Just come with me." She shook her head to avoid the smile from forming as she noticed how childish and cute he was at this moment. "We're going to the amusement park." He licked his lips, excitedly as he started to drive. Sooyoung's eyes gleamed in excitement as she lifted up from her seat. Fixing her posture, "Really?" He laughed at her reaction as he nodded, "I figured that your life is boring as hell." He playfully spoke as he received a punch from her. "Gosh, it's been a long time!" She pumped up her fist at the air. "When was your last time?" He asked as he peeked at the verge of the window of his car as he looked at her. He noticed that a grin was creeping onto her face as she replied, "With the guy that I like from seventh grade." He was dumbfounded, Gee, thanks for the motivation. She noticed the change of the expression on his face, as she started to laugh. Clapping like a seal, he snapped, "What?" She shook her head, still chuckling. "It's nothing." They were busy ranting about each other's side until her phone started ringing out of nowhere. "Answer that, it must be your first love." He scowled as she giggled through his cuteness. "Hello?"

"Sooyoung, I need your help." She raised her eyebrow, "Jihyun eonnie! What's the problem?" She asked. Sungjae slowly pulled off to a side in order to let them speak at peace, instead of hearing traffic noises.

After a couple of minutes, she dropped the phone call as she turned to Sungjae with a disappointed face, "I can't go.", "Why?" He raised a question as she shyly scroll through her phone, showing him a baby picture. "What does this mean?" He asked, completely confused of what she's pertaining to. "I need to take care of my eonnie's child. She needs to go on an emergency meeting at her office. Can we go next time?" She sighed deeply as her dreams were completely shattered regarding the amusement park setting. He laughed as he patted her head, "We can go anytime there. Where does she live?"

Her eyes suddenly lit up in delightment.


"Is he your boyfriend?" Jihyun-eonnie kept on bombarding her with questions, right at the moment they both stepped onto her house. She was surprised that he acted formally infront of her (Like, is that the reason why he captured so many hearts?) She shook her head as she insisted nothing was going on between them, (as if there wasn't.) Sungjae was infront of the baby inside the crib, as he stood there admiring the cuteness of the little youngster. But, he was really eavesdropping on the conversation of the female only almost a meter away from him and the baby. He darted his attention towards the baby that had its big brown eyes staring right into him. He chuckled lightly as he thought that those eyes really resembled Sooyoung's.

He was completely driven into oblivion by having thoughts running on his head while he heard the door suddenly clicking. He saw that Sooyoung finally waved goodbye. She sighed as he went over to pat the baby in the head, as the baby giggled into her touch. "I'm sorry for troubling you." She muttered as she gazed over him. He smiled as he bent over to lift the baby, who was obviously in favor of his touch. "You're heavy." He spoke a baby's voice as he shook him a little. Sooyoung was completely surprised to see this side of him. She smiled at thought of him having a little kid running in his strong arms. Sungjae noticed Sooyoung who was giving him her attention. He beamed a small smile as he spoke, "Are you falling for me, already?" She was startled to hear the question while knowing that he noticed the way she looks at him. He laughed as he brought the little baby in his arms, just like what she just imagined lately.
"You're insane." Sooyoung replied with a scoff as she took the baby into her arms, "you surely love meeting people, don't you?" She wiggled the baby a little as the little human responded with a giggle to show affection at her.
From the distance of him seeing her enveloping her arms with the baby, he involuntary imagined how beautiful she would be when taking care of a little person.

"But, I really don't know how to take care of a baby." Sooyoung blurted out as he stiffled a laugh, tapping her shoulder. "Me too."

She rolled her eyes as she let out a whole-hearted laugh, "Let's call my mother."
He blinked a couple of times as his heart beat turned faster after a couple of seconds. What's happening with him?
She started to scroll down at her contacts in order to find her mother's name. His hands were as sweaty as his temples as he tried to avoid his self from being obvious.
"Mom." She spoke.

His nerves started to tense as his heart until he gently grabbed the baby away from her. He gestured her to continue talking to her mom as he swayed the baby back and forth in order to entertain him.

Until, it started to cry. "Don't cry!" He exclaimed as he lift him up in the air as he swinged in order to avoid the tears from this baby. While on the phone, she was busy noticing the way he interacts with other people younger than him. "Sooyoung. Are you there?" A voice spoke through her phone. She suddenly snapped out of reality as she blinked repeatedly, "Yes. Yes, I'm here." She muttered. Even if he was busy with the young guy enveloped in his arms, he knew his heart was beating as fast as his sway, right now. Shit, Yook. "Let's try with milk, maybe he's hungry." She smiled shyly as she took the baby from his arms. (If ever the baby could talk, would he interrogate these two why they were busy passing him all along?) "I used to be the one who gives Yeri her milk when she was younger." He spoke all of a sudden. What happened between those two siblings that they couldn't even bat eachother an eyelash?

She watched him did everything he could. And, she knew that deep inside those hypnotizing and diverse characteristics he had- he could still be soft and reliable. It never went on her mind all her life. But she thought, what would happen if I had a family with him? She smiled to herself as she stared at the baby who was slowly drifting to sleep in her arms.

Never did she knew, he was thinking the same thing as hers. What if we end up together?

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