Chapter 6

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GC Train station, Gotham City

Artemis had been nervous about running away with Cameron, she felt really guilty for escaping and leaving Wally alone, he'd probably be mad at her by now but she shook the idea away as she entered the train station, she searched for her boyfriend and spotted him on a bench near the second entrance, she approached him and he immediately hugged her, "Hey, you ready? I already bought the tickets for the next train to Starling City, it leaves in 15 minutes" he said as he let go of Artemis and she nodded in response.

The blonde remained quiet the entire time as Cameron told her about some sort of job he had been offered, honestly, she wasn't paying much attention to him, she felt something was wrong, she had a sick feeling that only grew worse the more she thought about her escape, about her betrayal. She kept looking back at the entrance while they lined up to board the train, suddenly her grey eyes widened in shock, "Oh, I'm dead" she muttered, Cameron looked at her and then turned his gaze to where Artemis was looking, her parents, Roy, Wally, Barry and a couple of their bodyguards entered the train station, Dinah immediately spotted her and gave her a menacing look. Soon, all of them noticed Artemis and approached her and her boyfriend quickly, "What is the matter with you? How dare you leave with this peasant on your wedding night? How dare you leave and betray your husband like this, Artemis?" her mother spat, only causing Artemis to roll her eyes in annoyance, she looked at her brother and dad who had walked right behind her, by the look of guilt on her brother's face, she could tell he had been the one to discover her. Artemis stayed silent, she didn't show any expression, even if there were a thousand thoughts and feelings flying inside of her, until she looked over to Wally, the look on his face, a mix of sadness and awkwardness, like he felt uncomfortable being there, that look made Artemis' stomach feel sick, if wouldn't have ran away, he wouldn't have that look and she wouldn't feel like this.

Artemis had been lost in her train of thought that she didn't realize Cameron had begun arguing with her mother, when she snapped back to reality she noticed Wally's and Barry's guards aiming guns at Cameron, she looked at everyone in the room, feeling even more sick, the train station security guards had come also, the people who where waiting for their train, sitting on the benches were all staring, her family and new husband were al glaring at her waiting for an answer as Cameron held her arm, 'Dammit, Cameron, what did you do?' She thought as she sighed heavily, she'd had enough, she felt awfully sick, tired and annoyed, "Okay, I don't what happened here," she stammered as she shook her arm and Cameron released her, "but I'm so sorry Cameron, I need to go. I don't want to hear any gunfights or draw any more attention to us... I decided to marry Wally so I have to go with him now"

Everybody looked at her in shock, especially her boyfriend, Artemis sounded like she was angry, but her face painted a sad look, "Artemis-" Cameron began, but he was immediately cut off by Dinah's rant, Artemis only rolled her eyes again, this time she blinked away a few tears, Wally walked over to Artemis and gave her a look of sympathy, she walked with him as his guards held Cameron back, he had been yelling her name over and over again as they walked out, making Artemis' head hurt, she didn't want to cry, she was to tough for that; she would only cry silently in times she was alone, never in public. Soon they approached two elegant limos, one for the couple and the other for the family members that had come, the blonde looked over to her husband with a nervous expression, but he only shrugged, not knowing what to say, "Artemis," her mother spoke, "You're doing the right thing, my darling," she said, playing with Artemis' blonde hair, she looked straight to her eyes and muttered a few words to her, "You better fix things between you two, this is your fault and we don't want or need any problems, okay?"

Artemis felt so angry, there was fire in her eyes as she glared at her mother, she smiled sarcastically and nodded, "mm-hm"

"Good girl" Dinah whispered back, giving her a hug and bidding her goodbye, then Roy and Oliver came to her, her father sighed softly as he took his daughter into his arms, "I told you, princess, I could've found another way" he told her but Artemis shook her head, not saying a word in return. She looked over to her brother and saw he was smirking at her while shaking his head, "Oh, what?" She muttered, "You just make the worst decisions in life, don't you?"

"Oh, shut up, at least I do something with my life, not like you, lazy ass"

"Getting married and running away with a looser? That's your idea of living? Really?"

Artemis growled at him and hugged her dad tighter, she sighed and let go of him moments later, "Well, I've got a honeymoon to go to" she said bluntly, making quotation marks in the air as she said the word honeymoon.

Once the couple boarded the limo, the air became really tense, both stayed in complete silence as they looked in opposite directions, soon Wally broke the silence but he did turn to face his wife, "A warning would've been nice"

"What was I supposed to say? 'Hey I'm marrying you them I'll ditch you and run away with my boyfriend' or what?" Artemis scoffed,

"That was your boyfriend? Hah!"


Again they fell silent, Artemis glared at him intensely for a moment and eventually turned away, "Look, I'm sorry-" she murmured, Wally soon cutting in, "You were forced to do it, weren't you?" He asked, making the blonde sigh, "Obviously..."

Wally sighed also and ran his fingers through his red hair, "Well, then we were both played," he muttered while looking at her, "your mother told me that you were willing to-"

Artemis then snapped, "She told me about this whole arrangement until you agreed, so basically, I had no other choice!"

"Yeah, I get that now, no need to yell at me!"

Both glared at each other for a moment, it was upsetting for both, both were lied to, both had been played and to be honest, neither of them actually wanted an arranged marriage. Artemis lowered her gaze and spotted the envelope that her mother had given him, the airplane tickets. She was definitely not going to sleep with Wally, she needed to make that clear, "Where are we going exactly?" she asked, Wally took the envelope and handed it to her, it was already opened up, "Greece. Athens, to be exact. Your mom said it's your favorite place on earth, especially because you are named after the Greek goddess Artemis..."

Artemis glanced at him then back at the tickets, "I'm surprised she knew that" she murmured softly, putting the tickets back inside the envelope. Things were silent, she didn't want to argue again, so she kept the whole 'I'm not sleeping with you' topic for later.

The couple soon arrived at the airport, they got off the limo and walked inside, since neither of them had brought any luggage or clothes other than Artemis purse, they agreed on buying new clothes once they arrived Athens. It hadn't been even ten minutes there when they boarded the plane, obviously their seats were in first class, they sat down as a flight attendant greeted them. Wally's cellphone began to ring and he looked at the caller ID only to see it was Dick, his best friend, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me" he muttered while picking up the call, "Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you- nevermind, guess who's back?"

"I'm in a plane... and I'm guessing you're back?"

The line stayed silent for a while, "What do you mean you're in a plane? Where are you going to? And why? Dude, I haven't seen you in months, how dare you leave the same day I come back to- or wait... are you traveling to Gotham?"

Wally rolled his eyes as he heard Dick rambling, "I'm in Gotham, I j just boarded the plane and I'm going to Greece..." he said, his voice sounded pretty uneasy and he looked at Artemis with an equally uneasy smile, "What the hell are you going to Greece for?" Dick exclaimed, but Wally only replied with a nervous laugh, he again looked at the blonde sitting next to him, Artemis gave him an awkward look then looked back at her small book. Wally kept looking at her and soon replied to Dick's question, "My honeymoon".


Hey, sorry for not updating in a while, guess who's tablet broke? Hah, yeah, mine -_- I had to buy a smartphone and I still don't understand it... I honestly don't like phones... at all! But at least I updated, Yay! So I hope you enjoyed and also I hope to get feedback from you guys, thanks for reading!

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