Chapter 5

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They wedding ceremony had now ended and the music played in the garden as all the house workers guided the guests to the other side of the garden where the reception would be held while they prepared the finishing touches for dinner. The couple split up for a moment to have a talk with their families, Roy smirked at his younger sister and signaled her to follow him, they walked around the garden as they picked a few strawberries from the desserts table, "So... You kissed your groom..." he snickered, making Artemis roll her eyes and stiff a laugh, "He is quite a good kisser, if I must say" she murmured, soon both were laughing about it as they continued eating snacks and desserts from the table.

Even though Artemis wasn't in favor of the wedding, she decided to enjoy the night as much as possible, she thanked all the guests for coming, smiled for the photos and gave the reporters a cute story about her marriage with Wally to write about, she was truly showing the best of herself tonight.

Both Wally and Artemis acted very well in around their guests, managing to act like a real couple, they held hands and gave each other small kisses or hugs oftentimes. They sat at their table for a while to relax and enjoy some time to their selves, "Do you have any idea of when they'll be serving dinner? I'm starving and I don't want to finish up all the snacks" Wally whispered to his bride as she laughed back, "I'll go tell my mother, I'm also in need of food" she said, taking a drink from her glass of wine before standing up but as soon as she did, her and Wally's name were called, they both looked in direction where the voice came from, seeing Roy smirking at them with the microphone in his hand, "Come on you two, it's time for the groom and bride to have their first dance" he said, Artemis immediately glared at him hard, "Really? Out of all the stupid people, it had to be my brother..." she muttered as Wally gave her an uneasy smile, she looked at him with an uncertain look, "I'm not sure I know how to dance"

"I'm pretty good with my feet, I'll teach you if you promise not to step on me" Wally smirked,

"Heh, I really can't promise anything"

"I'll take the risk, then"

Wally stood up as his new wife laughed nervously, she took his hand and Wally guided her to the dance floor where Roy was standing, "Give a round of applause to the newly weds, everyone" he cheered as the people began clapping and gushing about the couple, Artemis smiled sarcastically at her brother and smacked his arm playfully, though she actually smacked him hard enough to hurt him, "Ow!" he whisper-yelled, Artemis batted her eyelashes giving him a sweet and innocent look, "Oops" she whispered back as she was soon brought to Wally's arms and began dancing to the song 'Remedy' by Adele, she followed his lead instantly, her feet took small steps and she smiled up at him nervously as the beat moved them.

It wasn't a lie, Wally was actually a pretty good dancer, he guided Artemis and she quickly got the hang of it, they spun around and twirled gracefully as the song began getting higher, soon slowing down while the song came to its end, "I'm impressed, Mr. West, you sure know how to dance" Artemis commented, "Well you're not so bad yourself, Ms. Queen" Wally replied, soon getting corrected by Roy who announced their finale, "Mr. and Mrs. West, everyone, give them another round of applause"

They both blushed bright pink when they heard Roy's words, "Mrs. West" Wally murmured, a faint smirk showing on his lips, Artemis blushed even harder but didn't say anything, she turned and walked to her father who was standing near the fountain with a sly smirk, "When did you learn how to dance, young lady?"

"About two minutes ago, apparently" the bride laughed.

Now, dinner was being served as the music played in the background, the blonde walked towards her table reuniting with her husband, "Food's here" she chuckled, Wally nodded frantically and a look of joy shined on his face. They were served several gourmet dishes and Wally enjoyed every single bite of food he had, eating up everything as he left the plates clean, Artemis looked at him in shock as she noticed how big of an eater he was, she looked down at her plate seeing the food she had left, she hadn't even eaten half of the meal yet, "That's pretty intimidating, you know" she said, Wally blinked a couple of times and gave her a goofy smile, "Yeah, I'm a fast eater since forever" he grumbled, scratching the back of of his neck as Artemis nodded back with an amused look.

The night went well, they all danced, ate, took photos and overall, enjoyed the moment. Soon Dinah walked towards her daughter and new son in-law, "I think it's about time you two leave for your trip" she mentioned, Wally and Artemis glanced at each other and gave Dinah confused looks, "What trip?" Artemis asked seeing her mother take out a white envelope with two airplane tickets, "Your honeymoon" she explained as the young couple paled in shock, the redhead shook his head and cleared his throat as he questioned Dinah, "We didn't have a trip planned, where-?"

"It's a gift from my part and it's a surprise for you, don't open the envelope until you arrive to the airport, okay?"

Dinah handed the envelope to Wally with a warm smile and glanced at her daughter who was glaring at her endlessly, she truly couldn't believe it, why would her mother do that? They didn't even know each other, they did not need a honeymoon. The blonde girl had been so blinded by her anger that she didn't realize that this was the perfect time to runaway, but soon, realization hit her and she took the opportunity, "I'll get my stuff ready" she muttered, brushing past Dinah as she headed to her room.

Roy noticed something suspicious going on so he followed his sister inside, careful to not get caught, he hid outside her room as he listened to her calling someone, "I'm ready, I'll meet at at the train station in 20 minutes... Okay, love you" Artemis said into the phone, she gathered a few things from her dresser drawers and took her basic makeup kit into her purse, she took off her wedding gown, tiara and heels, and dressed herself in navy blue jeans, a grey sweatshirt and a pair of flats, she turned off the light in her room and walked out without noticing Roy outside, she walked quietly downstairs and escaped through the front door.

Roy widened his eyes in fear; his mother would be furious, he ran down stairs and immediately approached Oliver, "Dad!" He whisper yelled, pulling him to the back of the house, "We got a problem... A- Artemis ran away-"

"She what?!" Dinah exclaimed angrily, both men turning to face her in worry, "Roy?!" she yelled,

"I-  I- I don't- mom-"

"Where did she go?"

Roy gulped nervously as Dinah stared furiously at him for babbling. Scared of telling her mother, he took a step back and glanced at Wally, who stood behind her with an uncertain look, Roy shook his head slowly, "She is meeting someone at the train station" he sighed as both Wally and Dinah frowned. Wally then pursed his lips, he felt something was off, he wondered why Artemis would do that, he honestly felt a bit betrayed but he knew there had to be a good reason for her actions, still, he could help not to get upset about it.

Oliver tried to calm his wife down to no avail, she was truly enraged for their daughter's stupid act, "We need to find her before she leaves, Oliver" she stammered, catching Barry's attention as he approached them, he noticed Wally's grim look, Roy's nervousness and Dinah's angry tone of voice, "What happened?"

Everyone except Dinah looked up at Barry with pales faces, not wanting to make the situation any worse, but Dinah looked at him nonchalantly and told him what was going on, Barry, just like her, enraged immediately, "And you're just going to let her get away?" he spat, Wally glared at him instantly, "Dad-!"

"No, he's right, Wally" Oliver sighed, "I asked Artemis a thousand times if she was sure of doing this and she said yes, so she needs to comply and keep her word, just like you kept yours, so we're going to look for her"


A/N: Hello... drama :D
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, vote, comment and feel free to ask anything about the story ;) Love you!

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