Chapter 2

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West-Allen's Mansion, Central City
June 14th

Wally had been all day in the office with his father trying to get some work done, but it's been almost two hours of listening to his mother rambling on about the next day's event. The red head sighed and looked at his mom as she was now babbling about the dress code for the wedding, "What if my dress isn't appropriate? It's summer, no one should be wearing dark colors... Do you know what the Queens will be dressing?" Iris spat nervously, now beginning to bite her nails, "Clothes. They'll be wearing clothes, mom" Wally muttered, instantly making Iris glare furiously at him, "I am serious, Rudolf-!"

"Aw, mom! Don't call me that" Wally  groaned,

Barry pinched the bridge of his nose and was now fed up with the shouting, he let out a frustrated sigh and looked up at his wife, "Iris, dear, leave him alone and relax. You'll look great tomorrow and so will Wally, okay? Go  take care of yourself, go to a spa and go to the salon to get your nails done" he said, making Iris sigh and frown at him, "Barry, the wedding is tomorrow. The wedding is in Gotham, many miles away from here. We need to be ready and we need everything to be perfect. So, tell me Barry, are you ready?"

"Honey, I was born ready. And so was Wally , he will be alright, we'll be alright, everything will be alright"

Iris shook her head in response, her arms were crossed and she had an annoyed look on her face, she turned to Wally as he smiled at her and shrugged, "I think we'll be okay" he murmured,

"Fine. I'll go with Mary to the spa. I'll see you both later" Iris sighed, leaving the office and calling out for Mary, their housekeeper.

They soon got into her car and drove off, "Men are so bullheaded" the red head muttered, Mary just stifled a laugh in response. Iris had no idea where to go, she just knee she had to be out of the house for a good long time, "They'll be alright, Iris" Mary said, "The less aggravating you are, the less stress for Wally"

Iris grumbled and shook her head, "I don't know- wait, Mary!" She beamed as an idea popped into her mind, "We should go shopping for a nice dress for you, that way you go with us to the wedding and-"

"What? No, Iris, I can't go with you"

"Why not? You have to, you're Wally's mother, his real mother"

"But he doesn't know that"

Mary glared at Iris for a moment, before facing the other side, where she could see the houses they drove past by, a sad look was plastered on both their faces, "He should know" Iris murmured softly, "He has the right to know he's your son and not mine... Not Barry's"

Mary immediately turned to see her, questioning her opinion, "And what then? Do we also tell him that his father is dead? Do we tell him the truth? Do we tell him that Barry, who Wally  thinks is his father, killed his real father? Do you want Wally to know that, Iris?"

Iris stayed silent for a while, looking straight forward as she drove through the freeway, she sighed as a tear leaked from her eye, "I still don't know how I'm able to live with that" she whispered, sniffing and trying to blink away her tears as the memories came back to her, the image of Barry killing her brother crept into her mind even though it had been we years ago, she still remembered it as if it had happened just yesterday.

Back when Wally was just four months old, the young couple, Mary and Rudy West, was going through many problems and came to Iris for help, not knowing that she had married Barry. Once Barry realized who Rudy was, he was immediately enraged as Rudy had pending issues to sort out with him, issues that involved a great amount of money, money that had been stolen. Iris had convinced her husband to let her brother stay, but not without something in exchange, Barry wanted Rudy to pay him, maybe not with money, but with work, so Rudy agreed and was at Barry's service.

Even though Barry was a very successful business man and things were progressing well, he still kept doing some dirty business, and so, Barry would send Rudy to do the dirty work for him. Eventually, Rudy was getting sick and tired of doing it and by the time he had decided to quit and tell Barry, he caught him doing business with one of the greatest narcs in town, Lawrence Crock. In disgust of his actions, Rudy hurried to tell her sister and wife about it, but as soon as he had arrived to the house, Barry, who was following behind him, shot Rudy in cold blood.

Iris and Mary both despised Barry for what he had done, but they also feared him, so they moved out and left the city, not leaving any trail behind. About a month after the horrible tragedy, Barry called and begged for Iris' forgiveness and return. Eventually, Iris did come back to him, demanding him to let Mary stay at their home for as long as she needed to as it was the least he could do for her since he had taken her husband away from her. Barry accepted the condition and offered Mary an apology for his actions and she of course forgave him, but she had one request; she wanted Wally to be raised as their own son, she didn't want to go through a dreadful moment of explaining young Wally why he didn't have a father.

And that is how Wally became known as Barry Allen's and Iris West's son, after all, the resemblance between him and his aunt was astonishing, anyone would believe they're mother and son. Mary of course watched him grow up as he became very attached to her and referred to her as his godmother or nanny.

Iris and Mary had a long day of shopping, they both went to the spa and had their nails and hair done at the salon. The women ate dinner at a fancy diner at the edge of the city, where they enjoyed some delicious gourmet food and wine. They headed back home to rest up for the big day tomorrow, Iris had finally convinced Mary to attend the wedding after hours of insisting.

Once the women entered the mansion, Mary caught the young red headed man sleeping on the sofa, "Wally!" she stammered, immediately waking up Wally, "Yeah, I'm awake" he groaned as he shot up, he looked tired and stressed out, "Are you alright, dear?" Iris asked, seeing him sigh deeply, "I'm. Getting. Fucking. Married. Tomorrow." he replied, worry and aggravation showing in his voice as he spoke every word, he was definitely not ready.


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