Chapter 1

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Queen's Mansion, Gotham City.
June 13th

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to, Artemis" her father spoke,

"Well, I don't want to, but you need the money right now, so... I'll do it" the young blonde replied, sounding so sure of herself, it had now been five days since her mother had made the deal with Wally, and with two days until the wedding,she was now desperate to find a way out, but she knew that it was probably the only way to make things better at home fast, "Dad, I love you and I would do anything to keep you well, even if it means not being with you anymore" she added, as she approached her father and wrapped her arms around him, "Oliver Queen, be proud of you daughter" the man said to himself, letting a stiff laugh escape his body, strongly hugging his daughter back.

"You really should Oliver, but you keep underestimating me" Artemis muttered, sadness flowing in her words as she let go of her dad,

"I don't underestimate you, my love, but a beautiful young girl-"

"Woman, dad, I'm a woman"

"Alright, a beautiful young woman like you, should not be going through the stress of business work"

"That's no excuse, every woman has the capability of working and the right to have a job, dad"

Noticing that his daughter was bothered about not being able to work, he walked up to her again, trying to make her understand that the business world is not for her, "Artemis-"

"I don't want to be like mom!" she cut in, "I don't want to just stay and be a good house wife that does nothing all day"

"To be fair, young lady, your mother doesn't stay at home all day, in fact, she doesn't stay at home at all" Oliver muttered, "But if you don't want to become a house wife, decide carefully my little princess, today make up your mind, think what's best for you, is the wedding really worth it? Because if you do marry that man, that's what awaits you" He warned her as he once again brought his daughter into his embrace, kissing her forehead softly, "My advice: don't get married to save my butt, get married when you are truly in love. I'll figure it out, somehow" he whispered. Soon, Artemis looked up at him and nodded with a sad smile painted on her face. No other word was said, she walked out of her father's office and walked up to her room.

She laid in bed all day until it became night, but sleep was nowhere to be found, she just wondered about her family's situation; the Queens were going through very difficult times after a terrible lawsuit against her father's company, Queen Consolidated. She truly hated the idea of getting married to a stranger, though she had seen Wally on TV or from afar, she still considered him a stranger.

Honestly, what made her mad was that her mother was who had made the deal, she and her mother never got along much,Dinah always had favoritism for Roy, her older brother. She went over and over the thought of getting married, until a single tear slid it's way down her cheek as she thought of Cameron, her secret boyfriend. She thought of how he would be enraged about this event. Though he was just a poor townsman who offered her nothing really, Artemis loved him.

She shifted in bed for the umpteenth time that night, trying to sleep. She had finally made up her mind; she was marrying Wallace West in two days. Finally, at around 3:00 AM, she drifted into sleep.

The next day, she woke up only to notice her home was filled with people who were delivering preparations for the wedding. She had never seen the mansion so full or busy, it was a strange feeling and her stomach told her so, "Artemis, my girl, come have breakfast, will you?" her mother called from downstairs, giving Artemis a warm smile that made her stomach feel more strange, "Yeah- yes, I-I'm coming mom" she stuttered, walking slowly downstairs as she observed every person in the mansion.

During breakfast time, Artemis stayed silent, she would only speak up if her father said or asked something to her. She didn't have much appetite, she fiddled around with her fork as she poked and scrambled the food on her plate, she was lost in thought but was soon back to reality as her mother called her name, "Artemis!" She yelled, as Artemis jolted, glancing at her father and mother, "Yes?" she asked nervously, making Dinah sigh, "Are you ready for tomorrow?" she questioned, glaring at her. Artemis looked down at her plate and sighed, nodding in response to her mother's question, "Yes" she said firmly, making both her father and brother let out an exasperated sigh. Her mother nodded and smiled in satisfaction, proceeding to finish her breakfast meal.

It was official, Artemis Queen was getting married tomorrow.


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