•Why do you care?•

Start from the beginning

"None of your business." I answer back, trying to shake Kris off me.

He looked up for a second, grabbing a hand full of my hair with one rough hand. "Ouch, get off me you jerk!" I pushed him away managing to get free, then fixed my hair. "You are really something!" After I said that, Kris laughed peeved, turning back. He's so bothersome, troubled child my ass.

Darting my eyes across the bathroom, Tao came rushing to my side. "Sorry, Yù, you ready to go home?" He smirked, slipping his fingers in mine.

"Anytime you are."

"Is something bothering you?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Because I can tell, that there is."

Wow, it's like he knows me better than myself.

"Very, funny Tao. Let's just go."
• • • •

I entered the house, again, this time without the violent behavior following yesterday night's. In fact, it was quiet. Mrs.Wu had a modeling agency thing going on, and Mr.Wu left on a long business trip, so it would be a couple of hours until 'mom' and 'dad' got home. I walked into my bedroom, dressing down in my white night shirt, that ended down to my knee caps. Man, I was hungry. I had to give Tao some of my lunch today because he forgot his at home and didn't bring any money. So I went into the kitchen, and grabbed something to eat. After that it was still early. I washed the dishes sitting in the living room to watch some television, it was stuck on a couple of shows that only broad casts in Chinese, so I had to put the subtitles on. I came across the 'Running Man' show and decided to try it out. I stayed there on the couch for about two hours, feeling a little tired. The day went by so quickly. It practically drained my body from all sources of energy. My mind was wrapped around school. Funny, I only had one friend. Oh, a bully too. LuHan. Would have thought he was just another innocent kid, but he was far from it. And such a sweet face too. I yawned, catching myself before I drifted off.

"I got to go to my own room."

I turned off the television. By the time i reached my room, I saw that the door was wide open, and heard cursing. Creeping up at the entrance, I listened carefully as he frantically searched through my drawers, sheets, and pretty much every crevice of my room. "Zài nǎlǐ?" he repeated constantly, turning up his volume each time. "Zài nǎlǐ!"At first i was scared to go inside. He looks like the type of person to get into a fight right about now. Laying my hand against the wall, I watched him. Rarely, have I ever seen him worried.

"What are you doing-

He quickly turned around, looking shocked while also embarrassed in a way. "Can I help you?"

"Me? you're in my-


is he for real...

"Relax, I just lost something. I thought you took it." he rolled his eyes, then left the room door wide open as he made his exit.

What was that all about?

• • • •

The next day Tao and I met at the park. There, we walked to school together joking along the way. I loved the way he smiled and laughed, and how much he cared about me. Though, we sort of just met. It was weird, but not awkward. And i appreciated that. When we reached school, i got this eerie feeling that something wasn't going right. I felt like I was being watched.

"Hey, I'm gonna meet you at class kay?"

"Sure. Make sure you're not late. I'll be lonely waiting for you to get out of detention."

"You'd wait an hour after school for me?"

"Why not? You're my best friend."

A hot flash came rushing down my body. Woah, felt a little light headed there. "By the way, i figured out something the other day. Your name means peach, is that you're full name?"

Tao's face became redder than red. "No...it's actually Zitao. Zitao meaning art of war, and concealed. Or at least that's what it's supposed to be. But peach, is another translation..."

"Haha! I should call you peach then!"

"No." He rushed into the building leaving me behind.  He's fast.

I walked in after him, seeing the crowded hall ways and the same group of girls who were always gossiping about Kris. Especially the crazy obsessed one, Quiyue. A Taiwanese girl, with waist length brown straight hair and had a slight yellow tint to her complexion. She was more of a major stalker; personal stalker if you will. Everywhere he went, she was there. Another reason, why no one must know the truth of the matter between me and him. Me living with the school's hottest male? Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather live to see the sun come out the next morning.

As soon as I passed by, said girls, I was pushed against the wall by the bully himself. "Darkie." he smirked, brazen. I hate that kid. He was always downing me because of the color of my skin, and treating me like a dirty dog. "You don't belong here, you know." I kept on walking trying to ignore him, but that only pissed him off. "Hey, I know you can use that tongue of yours!" he yelled reaching for the collar of my neck, yanking it back so that i was thrown back in front of him.

"Let me go, Luhan."

"Shut up." He smiled, trying to come off as intimidating. Truth of the matter is, he looked like a girl. Bad. The only person that remotely scared me was someone who shall remain nameless.

"I'm gonna be late to class, can we hurry it up?"

"You gotta big mouth for a slave." he breathed out, grabbing my jaw forcing it to the side. I could feel his burning breath against the surface of my ears. "But that's okay. I'll punish you later, and make you terrified of me." I cringed. Just then the bell rang. LuHan roughly turned my head back to the front, storming off with a wide grin from ear to ear.

Placing my hand up to my jaw, i wondered why he was so touchy. From the day he met me, there wasn't ever a moment when a threat was miscounted for, or sexual innuendo.

"I hate this school."

My Jerk Brother (AMBW Kris)Where stories live. Discover now