Tessa was astounded. Tears had streamed down her face. She was so thankful that her husband was not compromising his integrity. She had known in her heart, his sense of sound business ethics would not allow him to compromise his values. In this benevolent gesture, she would support her husband one hundred percent.

'What are you proposing?' she had reached across the table and closed her palm over his.

Brad had removed another document from his pocket. It carefully detailed an amount he wished to offer Alexei. Tessa read the well thought out financial life line, ensuring Alexei had continuous financial security. A consultant would manage Alexei's funds allowing him to continue the lifestyle he was accustomed to. Tessa inhaled deeply. She had read of instances where high profile people went into manic depression when their financial situations altered. Some victims resorted to suicide.

From Brad's proposal, the similar package would be extended to Darya. In essence Brad was finally agreeing with Tessa not to include Alexei and Darya in the new company structure. They would have a lucrative financial settlement that would set them up for the rest of their lives. Neither Brad nor Tessa were too concerned about Darya. She was a shrewd business woman. She would not need assistance. Darya had the ability to succeed, but Brad would insist on a consultant managing her for at least three years to ensure her continued financial security. If she showed signs of succeeding, he would withdraw his advisors, although she would hardly suffer from his support. It would be to her benefit at no cost to her.

Tessa was humbled by her husband's benevolence. She offered to match fifty percent of Brad's contribution from her own personal wealth to support Brad's cause. After all she was a very wealthy woman after the revenue received from the sale of her father's business.

Brad's eyes had become moist. He had stood up, walked around to his wife and lifted her into his arms in an embracing hug oblivious to the curious looks from the other restaurant patrons. Tessa had pleaded for him to set her down, but he cared not for the attention they attracted. Tessa had hugged him back and wiped at her husband's moist eyes. She was pleased they had come to an amicable agreement with regard to RBD.

"Don't come to the office," Tessa repeated, playfully grazing at Brad's chin. 'You're spoiling me, Mr. Blakely.'

'Perks of sleeping with the boss,' Brad angled her face so he could kiss her lips.

'What am I going to do at home?' she murmured. 'Especially since our son is going to play school today. I bet he's up and all raring to go,' she laughed softly. 'And if I do stay home he's going to instruct me to baby sit his dog__puppy.'

'Charlie's so adorable,' Brad laughed. 'How can you resist him?'

'Easy.' Tessa grinned. 'If I had my way I'd banish him to the garden house at the lake,' she stretched lazily.

'You're tempting me,' Brad groaned, his lips pressed kisses to the shell of her ear. 'Do you want me back in bed?' His lips trailed down to her cleavage.

'Go to work Blakely.' She lifted his head away from her bosom. 'You have to pay the rent.'

'I own it,' he spoke with fierce pride.

'Well---we're having another baby. You need to make more money,' she playfully tightened his tie knot.

'Ah yes, the very reason I came in here,' Brad sighed. 'And then I got distracted.' He placed the breakfast tray on his wife's lap.

Tessa's lips pouted rebelliously. 'Do I have to have these tasteless crackers? I prefer muesli.'

'You can have all the muesli you want, but before you get out of bed, orange juice and crackers. Doctor's orders.'

THE Media Baron's Heiress (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now