"Zayn it's beautiful." I put it back carefully and put the box on my nightstand before engulfing Zayn in a big hug. "Thank you. I love it."

"I'm glad then." He hugs me back. "You were actually supposed to find it after I left." He says in defeat. He kisses my cheek then releases me.

I don't let him go though. I pull his face towards mine. Kissing him hard. He hums as he moves to hover above me. I bite on his bottom lip causing him to moan. He cups my face with one hand, keeping me still as he deepens the kiss. His tongue is warm and slick in my mouth as it moves in sync with mine. My hands move to his hair, pulling hard. He groans louder and bites on my bottom lip before pulling apart for some air.

"I think we should sleep before we start something we can't finish. It's getting late anyways." He says but in all honesty I'm hardly paying attention to what he's saying. His lips look so kissable, all red and swollen from our previous kiss. "Mel, no." he says laughing when he sees my facial expression, which must look like I want to rob him of his lips. He pecks me one last time before climbing off me.

I look at the time and see that it's now 23: 30. Oh I'm going to hate waking up tomorrow morning. "Goodnight"

"Good night baby" Zayn says as he pulls my chest against his, wrapping his arms around me.

"Baby." Zayn's voice wakes me up. "Wake up." I groan and try to pull the covers over my head, but it's no use because Zayn grabs them before I can pull the up. "Up. you're going to be late." He slaps my butt and I just groan. That kind of hurt.

"Fine. Jeez." I sit up and notice Zayn in a new pair of clothes. His hair is wet and he smells of my body wash. "You already showered?" he nods as he pulls on his shoes.

"Come, we can go get breakfast then I'll drop you off at work." I stand up and walk to my closet, picking out a black dress with red heels and I throw them on the bed. Zayn eyes the dress but says nothing. I leave the room and head to the bathroom to shower.

After being done with my shower I quickly dress, do my makeup and my hair. Zayn is sitting on the bed on his phone until I catch his attention.

"Okay, I'm done." I say. he looks up at me for a split second then back to his phone, but he pauses and looks back at me again, this time looking over my body with raised eyebrows. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing, you look good." He says shrugging, but he still doesn't take his eyes from my body. "every man is probably going to ogle my girl. We should really get you dresses for nuns." he says as walks to me.

"No thanks." I laugh at him "Stop being a caveman." he hums then kisses me but it's a soft brief kiss. I want to deepen the kiss because he looks and smells so good, but I hold myself in.

"Let's go." he says as we head out to his car parked outside. He opens my door for me and we drive off.

Zayn parks outside the café. He climbs out and walks over to my side to open my door. He entwines our fingers as we enter the café. The door makes a bell sound and a few people turn to look at us. I'm completely aware of the stares we're getting.

It's funny that even though I'm the one all dressed up for work and Zayn is dressed in a simple black jean, white shirt and a leather jacket, most eyes are on him. He looks hot, I have to admit. He doesn't release my hand as we walk over to an empty table. again, I don't miss the wondering eyes of woman, even teenage girls. Damn twelve year olds ogling my boyfriend. I'm sure they're all above 17, but everyone born after the nineties, will always be twelve to me.

Gosh, I'm becoming petty.

We sit as a waitress comes over to take our order. Zayn orders waffles with coffee and I order pancakes with coffee as well. Not too long after she returns with our food and we start eating. We have a light conversation and he tells me about the busy week he has ahead of him, meaning I won't get to see him much. I'm not too depressed about it, I mean he did spend his whole weekend with me.

"Zayn I think you should become a model." I blurt out. I wasn't planning on telling him this instant but looks like my mouth has a mind of its own. I think I stopped concentrating on what he was talking about, the second my eyes landed on his lips. He just looks too good to ignore. I don't even care that people are staring at him right now. I can't really blame them.

"You weren't paying attention, were you?" he asks with a smirk. I shake my head with a small laugh and he bites his lip on purpose. I scowl playfully at him.

"I think we should get you nun clothes. Your looks aren't healthy to the rest of the world."

"Okay, I'll go buy them love. just for you." I just smile at him because I'm scared that if I open my mouth, I'll tell him just how much he means to me or the effect a simple word like love has on me when he uses it.

We leave the Café once again with our fingers laced. He opens the door for me. We drive in comfortable silence and soon we're parked outside my building. I turn to cup Zayn's face and I plant a kiss on his mouth. He deepens the kiss by sliding his tongue into my mouth, before placing his hand on my neck. He holds my head in place as his tongue moves with mine. I pull away and smile at him as I climb out the passenger seat of his range rover.

"Bye." I wave at him. I can't get over how good he looks right now. I just want to drag him back to my bed and cuddle the whole day with him.

"Bye." He smiles at me. "Oh and babe, we're having dinner with my parents Thursday." He says before driving off, not giving me a chance to reply.

Wait. What?

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