Chapter 12

176 12 5

December 28, 2015

I woke up to Wyatt purring and scratching my face.

"Wyatt, move! Or lay down. That's cool too, I guess. OW, your claws!''

Considering I can't get up, I check my phone. I make my way from Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Email, and YouTube.

On Twitter, people were tweeting me about the vlog. They seemed to enjoy the realness behind it all, and they had requested to see more members. I retweeted and replied to a few tweets.

On Instagram, I scrolled through my feed, liking almost everything. I decided to post a picture of me with Wyatt.

On Snapchat, I took a while watching every ones story, and I opened a few from some fans and friends.

My email I got some coupons and some other crap. I always check it for one of my friends almost missed an opportunity to see someone... (NellaBellaTella  ;))

My YouTube was filled with comments on my vlog, and I watched my Good Mythical Morning.

I guess Wyatt had to pee, but he got up and I soon followed. I headed to the bathroom, while putting my hair up. I finished in the bathroom, and I walked downstairs.

I found some fruit, so I washed it, cut it, and got out some vanilla yogurt. I made a parfait, and scrolled through my phone some more. I cleaned up, but then I heard crying.

Oh no, not in this house. I shall fix this!

I headed into Scott's room, but I couldn't find him any where. I walked into the office/film room. Again no trace of any one. I then headed to Mitchie's room. I noticed the door was closed.

I knocked on the door, and it took a while for Scott to open the door.

"Oh hey Anna. What do you need?''

"I need to get in there. I heard daddy crying...''

"Babe, we are just going through some things- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?''

I squeezed past where Scott was holding the door open. I jumped on the bed, and saw Mitch.

"Daddy? What's the matter? Are you ok?"

''I will be babe..."

Scott takes my hand, and tries to lead me out.

''Anna, we will tell you what's going on soon. I promise you are not in trouble.''

Mitch blows a kiss, and Scott kisses the top of my head.

He closes the door, and I just stand there.

What is going on?

I go to my room, and sit down on a bean bag. I think of every thing that could happen, money, death, or something with the band.

I pull out my phone, and call Kirstie.

"Hey Anna! How are you?''

"Sad. Mitch is all sad, and they won't let me in the room.''

"Aw hun, I bet it's not too bad. Mitch might just be having a sad day."

"Well can you pick me up for a day? I have nothing to do here."

"I'm shopping right now sis, maybe call Avi.''

"I am going to make it a three way call. Just hold on a second.''

I move from the bag to the bed, while calling Avi.

"Hey Avi, you are also on the phone with Kirstie. Say hi."


His voice sounded super low, like he just woke up. I giggled, louder then intended.

We talked for a while, and I told Avi what happened. Kirstie had to go, but she said we could get together soon.

''So Avi... Could you come pick me up? I will have nothing to do.''

''I guess... Um, give me 30 minutes. Go tell someone I'm getting you.''


We hung up, and I walked back to Mitchie's room.

"Hey Scott, Avi is picking me up. I will be back around 8.''

''Wait why?''

''There will be nothing for me to do! I want to leave you Daddy alone for what ever reason.''

''That's cute, but you can stay-''

''I called Avi already.''

He hugs me, and he lets me see Mitch again.

''Daddy, I hope you feel better soon. I love you.''

I lean over and hug him, and he hugs me back tighter.

''I love you too.''

I get up, and head to my closet. I pick some patterned shorts, a black tank, tights, and a chunky cardigan. I avoid makeup, and just do pigtail braids. I put on my locket and I head out of my closet.

Avi shoots me text saying he's outside, so I yell I'm leaving. I lock the door, and hop into the car.

''Hey Avi, how are you doing?"

''I'm tired, you?"

''Sad and confused. I don't understand why they wont tell me what's going on. I tell them everything.''

''They might not want to burden you with some things.''

I look around the car, noticing how clean it is.

Men and cars..

I look at Avi, and he seems so focused on driving. I notice how he was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. His hair is up in a man bun.


I look away, thinking about what is making Mitch so sad. Nothing is wrong with the members, could it be his family?

We reach the apartment complex, and Avi leads me up to his. He looks over at me as he holds the door open.

''You look adorable today.''

"Thank you, I'm really lazy and cold today.''

He walks into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate, and I sit on the living room floor. I notice his pile of movies, and I look through them. I pick out a few and I stumble upon The Lord Of The Rings. I shriek.


Avi ran into the room, and almost fell.


He brings in the hot chocolate, and I take my cup.

He pops in the movie, I grab a blanket, and get comfy.

I start thinking about Mitch again.

"Avi, what do you think Mitch and Scott are talking about?''

"You have to promise you won't tell anyone.''

''I promise."

I hold out my pinkie, and we pinkie promise.

Avi takes a deep breath and says, "I think they are going to tell everyone they are a couple.''

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