Chapter 4: Kaio's Patient

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 When I was outside, with only a line of trees for company I let out a breath and rubbed a hand over my face.

When had life gotten so complicated?

Five years ago I’d begged him not to leave me in the army and now here I was wishing I could go back. In his absence it had very quickly become my home; living among the guys, taking risks, hoping that when the next tour came around it wouldn’t be one of your buddies coming back in a body bag, yet despite the risks and the constant fear; it had become my safe haven; the place that had taught me to be better than I was, to think for not only myself but the others on my team.

I kicked at the pebble resting in the dirt before me and sighed. It was funny how at first I’d prayed for him to get me out, day after day I’d hoped he’d come back for me, when now I just wanted to go back to the life I knew.  Being here with him was too complicated, it was too much; bringing back all the memories and unwelcome feelings better left buried.

Escaping was pointless at this point; if the officials found me, I’d be living in a cell for the rest of my life and it wasn’t cowardice that held me back, it was self-preservation. I couldn’t fight for my country for five years only to be stuck in a cell for my efforts.

Fuck no.

I kicked another pebble and did what the army had drilled into our heads day after day; learn to adapt to your situation, that was your only chance of survival when everything else failed.

So I would adapt to the new state of things. I would do it Rien’s way because right now he was my only chance at survival, quite possibly the only person who could keep me out of prison. But while I was here, I would rip away his delusions; make him see that the Tony he came back for wasn’t the one he got; make him understand that the past was called the past for a reason. Then when he’d finally learned, I’d make him help me out of my predicament; it was the least he could do; he owed me that much.


~Rien’s POV~

 “He is…sad.” Kaio said softly.

 We both stood by the large floor to ceiling windows, looking out into the yard at Tony who, after two hours still stood out there kicking at pebbles and pacing.

“He misses his men. It is understandable; humans tend to form strong bonds with each other when placed in dangerous situations and he has had half a decade to form his. In time he will heal.”

“He is strong, your mate, but he is also stubborn, I hope he will one day understand that what you did for him was a necessary evil.” Kaio continued and I glanced his way, grateful for the support of my drudge.

“He will.”

We stood in silence for a while then, both of us watching my mate as he wondered around the yard aimlessly.  My coven brother Mathis had come and gone long ago yet Tony still kept his distance. The ache in my chest at his rejection ever since he got here still burned bright and I despised the feeling. He made me weak, that boy.

“I can see that he loves you but what will it take for him to give in to it? Do you think my mate will be the same way?” Kaio asked then, turning to me. He looked worried now; reminding me of how truly innocent he was and I offered him a comforting smile.

“You can never really tell with these humans, but trust me when I say, there can be no soul as difficult as Tony is, out there.”

Kaio frowned briefly then turned back to the window. “Of course you’re right. My mate will be good. I’ll make him love me as Tony loves you and we will be happy.” It was as if he was trying to convince himself of his own words and I hoped for his sake that the soldier laying broken yet healing in the other room was nothing like my mate.

“Gather your things kaio, we will be departing tonight.”

“For the coven my Lord?”

“No my mate has had enough of this place; we will take a trip.”

Kaio nodded then and exited the room. I continued to watch Tony who looked more miserable now than when I’d first brought him here.

I had been going about this the wrong way, thinking that if I waited, gave him some time that he’d eventually come around, but one could not expect reward without putting in some hard work. It was time for action, time to show my boy exactly what he was so willing to give up.

I turned away from the view when I heard the hushed voices emanating from the patient’s room. He was finally awake. Maybe it would be easier for Tony if he had a fellow marine with him. I was across the room as soon as I thought it and pulling open the door to see Kaio sitting beside the patient’s bed. He sat stiffly with his hands curled tightly in his lap as if trying desperately to prevent himself from reaching out to touch his mate.

I stepped all the way in, taking in the wounded soldier. He looked confused and dazed as Kaio spoke to him softly; offering him the usual comforting words every patient wanted to hear.

You’re safe

Everything will be alright

“Where am I, where are my- what happened?” the human asked, as he finally looked over at me. His accent was strange, one I was surprisingly not familiar and thick to the point where it almost sounded as if he was speaking another language.

I had thought being a soldier waking up in a strange place would have put him on edge but he only managed mild confusion as he looked back and forth between us and I assumed it was the remnants of kaio’s blood in his system that was keeping him so calm.

“You are in my home. Kaio rescued you from the battlefield and has been nursing you back to health. You owe him your life.” I said simply.

The man looked at Kaio then back at me. “But- why would you help me…you are…. American.” And that’s when it hit me; the accent, the strange shade of his uniform, his confusion. This wasn’t a marine from Tony’s infantry, this was-”

“What the fuck is this?” I spun around to see Tony in the doorway, looking shocked and betrayed. He took a step back, his eyes wide as he took in the scene. I watched as he grasped  for his waist as if reaching for a weapon, but when he came up empty handed, his eyes flickered between the three of us and he took another step back.

My gaze was drawn to the man on the bed. No this was no ordinary soldier and Tony wouldn’t be making friends with him anytime soon.

I sighed

We’d managed to rescue the enemy.

                                            AUTHOR'S NOTES


NB: The Marines and the Army are two separate branches of the military so read on to see just why Tony is called a marine even though he is in the Army.

If you're interested in making a book cover for A Vampire's Marine let me know ^_^




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