Chapter 29

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A/N: This chapter is the start of a small 3-4 chapter story arc that will continue off something that happened previously.  Also this is full chapter in Lucas POV! 

Lucas POV

Maya didn't have to babysit tonight since Mom was off and it worked out good because she had to stay after school for something. We were going to meet at her place later to hang out. I decided I would spend some much needed one on one time with Kenzie. I decided to take her to dinner and then to the Toys R Us that is located on Times Square. We settled on getting some pizza at a place nearby, 

"How has school been going for you McKenzie?" I asked her. "You don't have any boyfriends that I need to worry about do you?" 

"It's been good! And no boyfriends." she answered. "I'm so glad you are home Lukey." 

"I'm glad to be home too. I've missed you. What kind of toy do you want to get from Toys R Us?" I asked her. 

"Something Anna and Elsa." she answered. 

"Don't you have everything Anna and Elsa?" I replied. 

"I have a lot but I want more." she grinned. 

"Finish up your dinner and we'll go find something." I said before taking a drink of my coke. 

"Thank you for taking me out and doing something fun." she said before taping a sip of her juice. 

After we got done eating I took McKenzie to the Toys R Us. I ended up getting her some dress up clothes, a new baby doll, and a Frozen night gown.  I spoiled her to say the least but she deserves it because we haven't had a day like this in so long. 

"Kenzie?" I said to her as we walked out of the Toys R Us. 

"Yeah?" she answered. 

"I just want you to know that even though I'm with Maya doesn't mean I don't love you any less." I replied. 

"I know Lukey." she replied with a smile. 

"Good. I know I spend a lot of time with her but I don't want you to think that you don't matter that's why I decided to do this today." 

"I had fun with you today. We should do it again sometime." she said with a smile. 

"We certainly will! I had fun too." I answered. "I love you Shorstack." 

"I love you too." 

I took McKenzie home to Mom and grabbed some of my things before going over to Maya's. I planned on staying with her tonight.  I had a little bit of time left before I had to leave so I decided to chat with my mom and bring her up to speed on some things going on my life. She wanted to know how school was going for me and I told her all about it. I told her I really like Mr Matthews as a teacher and she told me that she's heard he is really good. She told me it was good see me happy and loved that Maya has had such a positive influence on my life. After talking to Mom for a bit it was time for me to leave. It took me about 30 minutes longer to get there because of traffic being so insane.  When I got there Katy answered the door. 

"Hey Katy! Is Maya here?" I asked after she opened the door. 

"I thought Maya was with you?" she answered confused. 

"She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. We were going to hang out tonight." I said and I wont lie I was starting to get worried. 

"Have you texted Riley?" Katy asked. 

"I haven't, hold on I'll do that now." I replied. "Actually I'm going to call her." 

I dialed Riley's number and nervously waited for her to pick up. It didn't take her long before she did. 

(A/N: I'm formatting this convo different)

Riley: Hello? 

Me: Riley, it's Lucas. Do you have any idea where Maya is? 

Riley: She's not at home? We left school about 45 minutes ago. She should be there.

Me: Did you watch her leave?

Riley: We walked out together but my dad was waiting for me so I just jumped in his car.

Me: I'm starting to freak out. She was supposed to be at her place by now. We were supposed to hang out tonight. 

Riley: Let me trying calling her. 

Me: Okay I'll text her. 

Riley and I hung up and I sent a text to Maya. After a few minutes Riley texted me back and said that Maya wasn't picking up. Katy started getting worried to and so she was going to make some phone calls. While she did that I told her I was going to go to the school and see if Maya was anywhere in sight. Riley wanted me to go with her so I made my way to her place after she gave me her address. When I got here Farkle was with her. Cory and Topanga were going to tyr and reach her too.

"Have you heard anything?" I asked as soon as I saw Riley. 

"I haven't heard anything, This is really unlike her. She told me she was really excited to get home to see you." Riley answered. 

"Yeah I haven't heard anything form her either. She's not answering me either." Farkle chimed in. 

"I'm starting to get scared. It's going on an hour here and nothing from her. She wouldn't be late like this." I replied as the anxiety started to grow in my chest. 

"I agree. I don't understand. She was on her way to her car when we left." Riley said. 

"And you didn't see her get in? Was there anyone else leaving?" I asked.

"No I didn't see anyone." Riley repleid. "Farkle did you see anyone when we left?" 

"I didn't see anyone either." he answered. 

"Where the hell is she?" I replied and pulled my phone out to try calling her again.

Again she didn't answer. I didn't understand this. What was going on? Where was Maya? I called Katy to see if Maya had shown up yet and she told me that she hadn't and to update her as soon as possible when we got to the school. It only took us about 5 more minutes to reach the school. It was a dark out but there were lights and when we got there imagine our shock to find Maya's car in the parking lot but no sight of Maya what so ever. Cory showed up minutes later to make sure we got there okay and decided to search within the school to see if Maya might be inside but she wasn't. Where was my blonde beauty Maya? Why wasn't she picking up, and why the hell was her car sitting here in the parking lot? 

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