Chapter 28

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Maya POV

I sped off out of the parking lot and went home not even caring that I was skipping school. I couldn't bare to face Lucas today and I didn't feel like explaining to Riley why I was upset. Although I knew that she was going to wonder why I wasn't there and fully expected to get a text from her. Lucas had texted me a couple of times but I ignored him. It didn't take me long to get home. I walked into the apartment slamming the door behind me not even realizing my mom was sitting there. 

"Maya? What is wrong and why aren't you at school?" she asked me clearly concerned about me being home and not in school. 

I walked over and sat down beside her "Lucas is mad at me and I don't feel like being around him." I answered truthfully. 

"What happened?" she asked me. 

"I went over to his house in the middle of the night so when went into the kitchen to get breakfast his mom was clearly surprised to see me there. She wasn't mad at all but made a comment to Lucas about how she hoped he was wearing condoms. So I chimed in and told her not to worry because I was on the pill and that he was in fact using protection." 

"Maya, he's going to get over it. He was probably just embarrassed How would you feel if I said something like that to him in front of you?  You need to go to school." my mom replied back to me.

"I would have been embarrassed to but I would have never got mad if answered you truthfully. I replied. "Plus the fact that he was so rude and I don't want to go back there." I answered. 

"Fine you can stay home but you best go to school tomorrow. I don't want you to miss anymore days." she replied. "And trust me Lucas will get over it." 

"Thanks, Mom." I replied "I don't know whats going on with us. We just got into a fight yesterday but today it was worse." 

"What happened yesterday?" she asked with a confused expression on her face. 

"I got jealous over all the girls fawning over him." I replied and she laughed.

"Oh Maya things will be fine. Couples fight. I'd be more concerned if you didn't." 

After talking to Mom I went back to my room and watched some TV the eventually got myself some lunch. Riley had texted me but I ignored her text and Lucas had tried calling me but I didn't pick up. After getting myself lunch I went back to my room and watched TV. At around 2:00 I ended up falling asleep. 

Lucas POV

I watched as Maya's facial expression go from anger to be hurt and that killed me. I tried to call for her as she went and got in her car but before I could stop her she drove off. I had really messed up and the bad thing about it was I couldn't leave school since it was only my second day here. I went into the school and was greeted by Riley as she walked up to me while I was at my locker. 

"Have you seen Maya?" she asked. 

"We got into a fight and she left." I sighed. 

"What happened?" she asked me concern clearly all over her face. 

"Maya came over to my place last night in the middle of the night so of course my mom was surprised to see her there this morning. She had made a condom about me using a condom and Maya broke in the conversation and explained that she's on the pill and that I use protection. I got mad at her for her more so because I was so embarrassed." 

"And let me guess you said something that upset her and she ran off?" Riley replied clearly knowing how Maya was. 

"Yes. And I can't even go after her because I can't leave school." 

"Space might be good right now. Go to her after school gets out. In the meantime I'll text her." she replied. 

"Thanks Riley." I said with a smile. 

School dragged on and I couldn't have been more happy once it got let out. Riley said she'd babysit McKenzie for me so she took me to Kenzie's school so I could get her then dropped me off at Mayas. Once we left the school I explained to her that Riley was going to watch her because I had to go to Maya's. It didn't take me long to get to Maya's house. I knocked on the door and Katy let me in telling me she was in her room. I walked in and she was sleeping peacefully in her bed. I walked over and sat down beside her. 

"Maya wake up." I said to her as gently moved her shoulder to wake her. 

"I really don't want to talk to you so leave." she mumbled. 

"Can you just hear me out?" I asked her. 

"I'm trying to sleep." she said pulling the covers up over her. 

I pulled them back down "You're going to listen to me." I replied. 

"Fine. Speak." 

"Look I was an asshole to you and I'm sorry. I should have never reacted that way but I was just embarrassed. I realize you were only trying to help so my mom wouldn't worry." I said as I gently brushed along her cheek. 

"I'm glad you can admit it. I'm done here." she said to me. 

"Maya, come on, please don't do this. I love you and I'm sorry." I replied. "The last thing I want is to hurt you. I got annoyed with my mom and took it out on you. I won't do that to you again." 

"You did hurt me." she said as a tear ran down my cheek. 

"Please don't cry. I'm so sorry." I said as I wiped a tear away. 

"You promise." she said as she looked up at me with sad eyes. 

"I promise. I was an idiot to say that to you. You're right she already knows what we're doing." I replied. "I love you." 

"I love you too. Can we please not fight ever again." she replied and I smiled at her. 

"I think that's best because I really hate fighting with you. Do you know much torture it was being in school today and not being able to come after you?" I said to her as I got myself comfortable beside her. 

Maya cuddled into me wrapping her arms around me "Good, I'm glad." 

I rolled my eyes "I'm sure you were." I said to her. 

Maya looked slightly sat up and moved closer to me our faces were inches of part until she closed the gap between us placing her lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss and placed my hand on her cheek. I felt her lick my bottom lip and I opened my mouth giving her more access. We kissed passiontaly for a few seconds before breaking away. I looked down at her and smiled 

"I love you Maya." 

"I love you too." she smiled .

Maya and I got up out of her bed and left to go relieve Riley of McKenzie. I was so glad everything was okay with Maya. I couldn't bare losing her. She is my everything. 

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