Chapter 15

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Maya POV

After Lucas and I got done washing the Gator we drove off to the swimming hole. He parked it along side trail and took the keys with him. He grabbed the bag out of the back and started walking towards the weeds. No way was I walking through them. 

Lucas noticed I had stopped walking and turned around to face me, "What are you doing?" he asked me confusion clearly written all over his face. 

"I refuse to walk through there and be bitten by a snake." I replied and he just rolled his eyes at me. 

"Alright I won't even bother arguing with you on this. Jump on my back." 

I grinned and took off running towards him before jumping on his back.  He continued walking down the trail. I was wondering how long it was going to take us to get to the swimming spot. A few minutes after he started walking it dawned on me that I had easy access to his neck and ears. I wonder how he'd react if I did the same thing to him. I got an evil grin on my face and decided to just go ahead and do it to see how he'd react. I slowly started making kissing trails up his neck and when I finally got to his ear I nibbled on it. He nearly lost his balance and I just grinned because it worked.

"Maya? Do you want me to drop you in these weeds because that's what I'm going to do if you continue to doing that to me." 

"It's not nice is it?" I giggled. 

"No, it's not and I'm sorry I did it to you twice." 

I gave him a kiss on the cheek "It's okay I still love you." 

It only took us about 5 minutes to reach the swimming spot. It was a beautiful area and I could understand why Lucas loved it so much. 

"We're here so you can get down now." he said and I got down. I wasn't sure though about getting the water. 

He laid towels down as well as the cooler, took his shirt off, and then started walking towards the water.  I took off my shorts and shirt then watched as he started walking. 

"You coming?" he asked. 

"I'm scared to get in the water. What if something bites me?" 

He rolled his eyes "You're going to be fine Maya." 

"Stop rolling your eyes at me." I pouted. 

"Come with me I'll hold your hand." he said putting his hand out to me. 

I grabbed his hand and together we walked towards the water. I was a little hesitant at first but I didn't want to let Lucas down so I decided i was going to suck it up. He took us over to a very large rock that we could stand on or even sit down on to put our feet in. He said the water was way deeper than it looked and that it would be if you were sitting on the edge of a pool deck putting your feet in. He told me that when he would come swimming they always went to the spot where the rock was because it was fun to just jump off it into the water. 

Lucas looked over at me as we were admiring the view of the beautiful creek, "Jump in with me." he said and I looked at him. 

"And you're sure nothing will bite me?" I asked still a bit hesitant. 

"I promise nothing will bite you." he replied. "We can hold hands while we jump in if you want. 

"I walked over to the edge and sat down putting my feet in "I want to feel how cold it is first." I said before dipping my toe in.  "Okay this is a bit cold." 

"Just jump in and get it over with." he replied. 

"Let me get used to it." I replied as a kicked my feet in the water. 

I was admiring the beauty of it all off a sudden there was a large splash of water that hit me completely drenching me. It was then that I realized Lucas just trolled the hell out of me by jumping in and purposely getting me wet. He came up from under the water and started laughing as soon as he saw me glaring at him. I jumped down in to the water and began splashing the hell out of him. He went underwater and started swimming towards me and I had no where to go because I was still in front of the rock. I felt him pull me under by my leg and I tried to wiggle away from him he finally let me go and when we came up from under water I glared at him. 

"You 're hot when you get angry at me." he chuckled. He swam over to me and he stood in front me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rolled my eyes at him. "You're so lucky I love you."  

I felt him move his arms around me "I love you too."  I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him tightly as he brought me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and nuzzled my face into his neck. I was starting to get sad about leaving tomorrow.

I tightened my grip around him "There is no better feeling than you in my arms." 

I lifted my head up off his shoulder, and smiled sadly "There is no greater feeling than being in your arms. Your arms are home for me." 

Lucas looked at me, his face immediately growing with concern "What's with that sad face?" 

"I don't want the day to end because that means I leave for NYC tomorrow and I don't want to leave you." I replied a tear was now slipping down my cheek. 

Lucas sighed and hugged me tightly "I knew this was eventually coming." 

"I'm sorry if I ruined your fun swimming plans. The end of the day is nearing and the more closer it gets the more sad I start to feel about leaving tomorrow. I'm scared if I have fun it will make it harder for me." 

"You know what I think?" he asked me. 


"Well first of all you would never ruin my day because you make my day. Secondly I think you would be sad no matter what and that it would be hard for you no matter what. You're over thinking it.  Don't let this weekends memories together be sad ones. You're going to be sad no matter what."  

I looked at him "This is why I love you so much. You always have a way with me to get me to understand and make me feel better. " I leaned into his face closing the gap between us. I needed to feel his lips on mine. I traced his bottom lip with my tongue and he opened ups his mouth making it so I could deepen the kiss. 

After a few seconds he stopped to look at me, "I love you to the moon and back, Maya. " 

Lucas and I swam for a little while longer then got out and had our little picnic by the water.  I started to enjoy myself a little more. He was right when he said why make the last day be full of sadness because I would be sad no matter what. We spent the rest of the day just being together. After getting back from swimming we showered then he wanted to just cuddle and watch a movie. I think he knew that right now i just wanted to be in his arms. Lucas Friar was a keeper. 

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