Chapter 14

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A/N: This chapter has very very mild mature content. Nothing major but still wanted to put a note here. I'm just trying to make up for the last few chapters of sadness! Lol.   I also wanted to add that as I was writing this chapter I realized that I should up Maya's age. I went back to Chapter 2 and updated Maya's age to 17. I'm not sure why I didn't just make her 17 to begin with. I want her and Lucas to be the same age. I'm actually going to make a chapter probably on her and Lucas upcoming 18th birthdays. I'm choosing the month to be April for Maya's and March for Lucas so they will be 18 soon. 

Lucas POV

Having Maya here with me was the best feeling in the world and waking up to her sleeping peacefully in my arms was even better.  Last night before we went to bed we watched a movie. She fell asleep shortly after it started and I didn't mind. I just held her and admired her beautiful face. She was finally at peace in my arms. I knew since me being gone she wasn't get much sleep. She started to stir and I thought maybe she was waking but all she did is roll over. I looked over to see what time it was and when I saw the clock read 9:30 I wrapped my arm around her and let her sleep a little bit longer.. When it hit 10:00 I decided to wake her. I gently rolled her so she was laying on her back. I wanted better access to her neck because my plan was to wake her with kisses. I leaned down and whispered to her. 

"Wake up beautiful." I said and then started making a trail of kisses along her neck.  

She started to stir a little bit but didn't wake so I made my way to her lips. I gently kissed her and when I went to pull away she pulled back to her deepening the kiss. I felt her smile into my face. 

"You can't wake me like that again." she said with a smile. 

"And why is that?" I asked with a smile. 

"Because you do things to my body and I don't want to lose complete control." 

I looked at her surprised but grinned back at her. "Is that so?" I replied and started kissing on her neck again this time nibbling on my ear. I watched as her eyes rolled back in her head. 

"As much as I want to do this not now." she said breathlessly. 

"Alright, I'll stop but I'll have you know that you look adorable when your eyes roll back into your head." I replied and then get up off the bed leaving her there speechless. 

Maya POV

What in the hell just happened? I watched as he walked out of his room and into the bathroom. I got up out of bed and walked over to my suitcase. I picked it up putting it on his bed so that I could dig out my bikini and the outfit that I wanted to wear today.  I heard the shower turn on and decided that now would be a good time to change. After I got done I went to go grab my brush but realized I had left it in the bathroom. He was in the shower so I could just walk in and grab it right?  So that's what I did. 

"Hey it's just me. I won't look, I'm just in here because I have to grab my brush."  

"There's room if you want to join me." he said and I just rolled my eyes. 

"You're such a perv, Huckleberry." and with that I left the bathroom hearing him chuckle on the way out. 

I finished brushing my hair and checked my phone for the first time since I got up. I saw I had unread text messages from my mom and Riley. I was replying to them when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up and Lucas just grinned at me as he made his way over to his dresser in nothing but a towel wrapped around him. I just sat there stunned checking him out.

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