Start from the beginning

Over the time they'd been on the ground, Brinley had witnessed Octavia grow and change, finally discovering who she was as a person outside of her mother and Bellamy's influence. Brinley had to remind herself to take the advice she had given Bellamy and not suffocate her.

Brinley looked over to the boy in question, whom was watching the drunken delinquents with a hard expression on his face. It was getting dark and there was no sign of celebrations slowing down anytime soon, even after they had suddenly lost transmission from the ark with no explanation.

Someone stumbled and fell beside Brinley, who was leaning against the outer drop ship wall.

'Hey, take it easy.' Brinley frowned.

The person snickered and Brinley sighed. 'How much have you had to drink Miller?'

'Enough to not care that we could be attacked at any moment.' Miller snorted as he settled himself beside her, his eyes glazed and slightly unfocused.

'Bellamy said anything to you?' Brinley questioned.

Miller frowned. 'Nah, should he have?'

Brinley shook her head quickly. 'No, he just doesn't exactly approve of our, uh activities.' Brinley gestured to the canteens they both held though Brinley's was mostly untouched knowing it didn't take much to get her drunk.

Miller snickered again. 'Figures. Am I the only one that thinks he's changed?'

Brinley frowned. 'What do you mean?'

'I mean, the cocky guy who set Murphy and Wells on each other seems to have disappeared somewhere along the way.'

'Huh, you know I hadn't really noticed.' Brinley shrugged and Miller shot her a disbelieving look. 'What?'

'You haven't noticed.' Miller snorted. 'Not even after you slept practically on top of him when-'

Brinley slapped Miller's arm. 'Miller, shut up. We agreed not to speak of it.'

'No, you and Bellamy agreed not to speak of it. I promised nothing.'

'Miller, I swear to god-'

'Why are you so afraid of people thinking you care about him?' Miller drank another mouthful of the moonshine, cringing at the burn that came with it.

'Because people, meaning you and Octavia, get the wrong idea.' Brinley jabbed him with her finger lightly.

'So you do care?' A smirk crept onto Miller's face and he made a mental note to talk to Octavia later.

Brinley stayed quiet and Miller sighed.

'C'mon, you at least have to admit that he's kinda hot.'

Brinley looked at Miller in amusement and he rolled his eyes. 'Don't judge me.' He sulkily continued to drink and Brinley swore he was pouting.

Brinley giggled at the expression on his face. 'I'm not judging, but hey, your taste in men isn't great if you're into Bellamy.'

Miller looked at her pointedly. 'Like you can talk, and I'm not into Bellamy.'

Brinley ignored the first half of his statement. 'Well then, who are you into?'

Miller rolled his eyes at her curiosity, though he looked amused. 'My boyfriend.'

'Awh Miller! That's so cute.' Brinley cooed and he gave her a one-finger salute.

'You can't deny Bellamy's attractive though.' He spoke again after a moment, casting a sneaky glance at her from the corner of his eye.

War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now