At some point she even had pots of flowers  on her desk. She used to water them and take care of them, but they never grew because of lack of sunlight. I remembered how the day they died she came into work so frustrated. I tried my best not to laugh, but it was kind of funny how angry she was.

We came to a complete stop as we pulled up to the restaurant. There were a few small stores beside it, but all the attention of the strip was drawn to its beauty. Judy's mouth dropped. "We're eating at The Velvet Rabbit?!" I smirked," Only the best for you Carrots." She elbowed me excitedly. "We're eating at The Velvet Rabbit," she squealed. I nodded and shoved my keys into my pocket. Noticing something was inside, I quickly switched the keys into my other pocket with my wallet. Judy shrugged it off, knowing how I didn't like to have my keys and my wallet in the same pocket.

I got out of the car and shut my door behind me. I tried to calm myself as I walked around to the other side of the car and opened the door for Judy. She hopped out of the car with the biggest grin on her face. I handed my keys to the rhino at the vallet and Judy and I walked in arm and arm. I smirked as I noticed a small skip in her step.

Behind the doors was a beautiful restaurant. Its beauty was really jaw dropped. Behind the check in dest, there was a waterfall with the name The Velvet Rabbit engraved on the glass work. The waterfall's flow landed in a pool of rocks. Judy looked up at me and mouthed 'I loe you so much'. The cheetah in a red dress standing at the desk smiled. "Welcome to The Velvet Rabbit, name under reservation please?" I smiled," Nicholas Wilde."

The cheetah raised an eyebrow," As in the Wilde's of..." I shot her a look before she could continue. She nodded feverishly and escorted us to a table. "What was that about," Judy asked when we were sitting down. I shrugged," She must have known my family." A zebra walked up to us, "Welcome to the Velvet Rabbit, my name is Coreen. I will be your server for tonight. What may I start you off with to drink. We have..." Coreen began to list off multiple fine wines and fruit infused water. I followed her list over the menu. "I'll take some infused water," said Judy. "Same with me," I said.

Once Coreen had left Judy turned back to me. "So.... you're of THE WILDE's?" I scoffed," And you're of THE HOPP's?" Judy gave me a look," Seriously Nick." I sighed as Coreen set our glasses in front of us. "I'll give you two some time to look over the menu?" Judy nodded," Thank you." At this point, I was pretty sure I had no choice but to answer.

"It all started a few years ago. I told you the story about why I acted like a fox during the Missing Mammal Case. I left a few things out though. My mom and dad started off a poor family. They were married at a very young age. My dad started a business and it didn't go to well at first. My dad took a trip to Kayta Tunnels. While he was there, he met with Mrs. Kayta herself. He told my mom and I that she said that he had potential and she loved it. Within the next few months, we moved to Kayta Tunnels. I had an older brother named Joshua. Joshue and my dad both founded The Wilde Incorporation. The Wilde Incorporation was a company that built houses for only the highest ranking people. Another year passed and Mrs. Kayta had taken my dad under her wing. She helped him start his own lawyering firm along with The Wilde Incorporation. My dad was getting about one hundred thousand dollars a week in pay. Everyone loved our family. We attended many charity balls and met many different families. Mrs. Kayta treated me as her Grandson. I was taught privately in my family's new home. My mom and dad had made their way up to the council. Everyone welcomed them with open arms. Sadly though, I chose to take a different route. I decided I wanted to make my own living. So, I moved to the city. I told my family and Mrs. Kayta I could take care of myself. They never knew my job until I became a police officer. They still ask me to come over every weekend and my dad always offers me a place in his business. I just haven't taken it yet."

"What's the position Nick," Judy asked. I smirked," Head of Security." Her jaw dropped for the second time that night. "Nick! Why on earth would you pass up that job?!" I smiled," If I took it up I would have to move out here." Judy's ears dropped," You did it so you could stay with me?" I realized how vulnerable I was being, but I nodded anyway. Luckily, Coreen came to my rescue. "Are you both ready to order?"

*Judy's POV*

After ordering Nick and I chatted some more. He refused to speak any more about the subject, but I respected that. It made me smile thinking about how humble he was. It was no wonder he could afford an apartment so quickly. During our dinner it had occurred to me why he hadn't wanted to be arrested. It was all because he didn't want his parents to find out that he wasn't doing well. He was exactly like me.....

After finishing dinner we walked around to the vallet. While the attendant was getting our car, I reached up and kissed Nick on the Cheek. "Thank you for not telling me until now," I said. Nick raised an eyebrow," I thought you would be angry." I shook my head," I'm glad we have the relationship we have. Money isn't going to change that." Nick smiled and hugged me as our car pulled up.

*Nick's POV*

I was more than relieved that Judy wasn't angry. I just about thought that this whole thing had ruined our special night. We both got into the car and I tipped the vallet. As I began to drive down the road, Judy took one of my paws. "Nick," she asked. I nodded as she continued. "Do you think I could meet your parents sometime soon?" Nick nodded," Of course." She smiled and looked ahead, "I think my parents really liked you when you met them." I laughed," I'm glad." Judy threw me a look as I headed off the regular road and onto another dirt road. "Nick, you missed the exit." I laughed," I know."

The ride was silent other than the radio playing softly for the next few minutes. I stopped the car at a cliff. Bellow was an amazing view of the city. Judy raised an eyebrow as I got out of the car. I shut my door and went around to her side. I opened her door and helped her out of the car. "I used to come here all the time when I lived here." I shut her door and led her over to the peak. "The city always appealed to me." Judy smiled," Me too." I looked over," Judy... if it hadn't been for this peak.... I wouldn't have met you."

*Judy's POV*

My eyes widened as Nick got on one knee. "Without this peak, I would have never even wanted to visit the city. I remember the first day I met you. I almost felt bad for conning you. A bunny, just like me wanted to pursue a life in her dreams. Judy, after that day I couldn't imagine a life without you."

Tears filled my eyes and my paws flew to my mouth as he pulled a ring out of his pocket. "Judith Hopps... will you help me accomplish my biggest dream of all? Will you be my partner for life?" I nodded and immediately jumped towards him. I looped my arms around his neck and kissed him. This was truly the best night of my life.

*Nick's POV*

This was truly the best night of my life.

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