Partners For Life

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(A/N: Hello everyone! We hit 64 subscribers and I could NOT be more excited! I hope you all enjoy! Make sure to comment,vote, and follow me.)

(P.S.This chapter takes place before Late Mornings.)

(P.P.S This chapter may be featured in Open Hearts, so make sure to go check out that story!)

*Nick's POV*

Judy and I had been dating for almost a year now, and it was time to take the next step in our relationship.

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be dating a rabbit as beautiful as Judy, or....well.... a rabbit at all.... there would have been no chance I would have believed you. Now that I'm here, I can't imagine anything but being here.

Life was going great right now.I had made arrangements with Judy to take her to a drive in movie theater next to Bunny Burrow in another small rabbit town called Kayta Tunnels. Little did she know that after the movie we would be traveling to a field near by for a picnic and later the biggest surprise of her life.

I slipped on a green vest over my white long sleeve shirt and some slacks. Trying to hurry, I buttoned it up and grabbed my keys. With a smile on my face, and my zoo sung in hand, I headed out the door.

Tonight was going to be the best night of Judy and I's life. That is, it will be if I don't mess it up. I continued to think to myself as I got in my new car. Yes, I got a brand new car. Judy had convinced me to save up a little and it really paid off.

I shut he door behind me with a click. The new car scent smelt amazing. I pressed the ignition button and tried to chose a song on the radio. Hmmmm, what about this one. No, too causual. What about this channel, ok first no. This woman sounds like she's just wailing not sining. Ok? Are there any stations that are romantic but not classical or opera stations?

After what seemed like forever, I found a station and was on my way to Judy's Apartment. I wasn't really that nervous, ok maybe that's a lie. Hopefully things would go well tonight.

*Judy's POV*

Tonight was the big night! Nick and I were finally going on a date after two weeks! Work had been really busy, so we didn't have the time until now.

We were going to a small and beautiful town called Kayta Tunnles. Only the richest bunnies and animals lived there. As a little girl, it was always my dream to be a police officer. It was also one of my big dreams to live there. I wanted to sit with all the ladies in the town council and drink teen until theree o'clock. I wanted to come home to my beautiful mansion and take care of my little ones. I remember spending hours pretending what my life would be like with my stuffed animals.

I quickly looked through my closet and found a spaghetti strap dress. I brushed down my fur, grabbed my zoophone, and tossed my cross-body purse over my shoulder.

Tonight was going to be a great night. I just had this feeling.

*Nick's POV*

I pulled up to Judy's apartment, feeling more nervous than ever. My eyes widened as I watched her walk through her apartment's office doors. She looked stunning. Judy wore a beautiful spaghetti strap, purple with little pink and white flower, dress. I shook my head as I tried to distract myself. I smiled as she got in the car. "Hey handsome," she said as she shut the door behind her. Judy kissed my cheek and buckled her seatbelt. "Are you excited," I asked. Judy nodded," More than excited." I started the car and began to drive down the road.

It took about an hour to make it there, but I knew Judy didn't mind. We had small talks the full time, but Judy looked out the window most of the time. We passed multiple orchards and farms along the way. Occasionally Judy would point something out to me. I could tell that she loved the countryside. Maybe sometime in our future we would have to get a house a little farther away from the city. Judy always raved about wanting a garden.

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