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Rey's POV (7 years later)

Since Ander was born, my life has been a whirlwind. Shortly after he turned two, Ben and I searched for Luke. We finally found him. Things were incredibly rough at first, I'll admit. Luke and Ben were so distant and had many problems between them. But that was expected.  

A few months after we found Luke we went after Snoke. Between the three of us, we managed to take him down and the rest of the First Order went ran away for their lives. I won't go into specifics but I happened to lose my hand in the battle. Just like Luke. It took me a while to get used to it but it's really not that bad.

Leia is still commanding the Resistance in order to keep a new threat from rising.

Poe and Finn are now living together and both work beside Leia. We are still very good friends and we see them often. Ander is very fond of his uncle Poe and uncle Finn.

Luke and Leia are so incredibly happy to be together again. It's wonderful to see.

Ander is now training with Luke. Of course Ben and I are training with him as well, it's nice to see Luke so passionate about something.

And the best news of all, I am pregnant again. With a girl this time. We have decided to name her Kira. Ander is already so excited to be a big brother.

Ben and I are truly happy. I fall in love with him more and more every day. He is everything I could have ever asked for. Just hearing his voice can make my day.

Everything is simply perfect.
I watch Ander and Ben play-fight with sticks. I take a deep breathe and inhale the smell of nature. Luke stands next to me also watching the two of them.

"Take that!" Ander shouts, slamming his stick against Ben's. Ben stumbles back clearly exaggerating. Ander points his stick at his

"Please spare me. You are too powerful. I am no match for you, Solo." Ben cries. He drops his stick and falls to his knees. Ander smiles in satisfaction.

"Promise that you'll forget your evil ways?" Ander asks.

"Yes." Ben fake sobs.

"I knew I'd beat you, daddy." Ander says, breaking his little character and running into his father's arms. Ben smiles and wraps his arms around our son.

"I knew it too." He chuckles. Luke furrows his brows.

"Don't become too full of yourself, Ander. You still have much to learn." Luke warns sternly. Ander nods as his smile fades.

"Maybe I should fight mommy next time. She might actually beat me." Ander says. Ben looks at him as if he's been betrayed. I burst out laughing as does Luke.

"What?" Ander asks smiling.

"Fine, then." Ben yells jokingly. "Your sister will want to fight me." He taunts Ander playfully. I look down at my stomach and smile.

Ben stands up and walks to me, holding Ander's hand. Ander gives me a hug and smiles.

"I love you, mommy." He whispers.

"I love you too, Ander." I say, hugging him tightly. When we finish, Ben kisses me lightly and rubs his hand across my stomach.

My life seems to be going just the way I planned. I have a perfect family and a stable home.

I have surrounded myself with people that I know will never leave me.

I'll never be alone again.



Well, that's officially it. I really wish I could have just kept writing this forever. I enjoyed it so much. But sadly, all good things must come to an end. 😞

I feel really connected to these characters because I sculpted them in the way I wanted. I honestly feel really sad. But alas, it is only fan fiction.

If you enjoy my writing then don't stress because I will write other fanfictions in the future. Wether it be Star Wars related or not. I am working on a Harley Quinn and Joker one as of right now. I have decided to take a break from my dark side reylo fanficion for a while. Not forever just a little bit.

I'm starting school very soon and I'm currently very stressed and would like to not have to worry about writing until I get back into the routine of school.

So, for the very last time on this fanficion, thank you so much for reading 😭❤️

I love you all so much. Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you'd like. I'd love to talk to you.


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