Chapter 12

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Kylo's POV
I've come to realize how easy it is to get lost in Rey's eyes. It's like sifting through layers and layers of everything I want to know about her. It's like I can see her life through her eyes. I can see her pain, her happiness, and her plentiful amounts of hope.  

I also have come to see that we are the same. Both damaged. Both feeling like our parents abandoned us. Both so eager to find someone who will truly love us. We are mirrors of each other from different sides.

Everyday I wake up in the morning and wonder how I became so lucky. She's too good for me. I don't deserve her and I know that. It's still hard to grasp onto the fact that she forgave for everything I did. She's too good. She deserves someone who can love her without ruining her life.

That's why I have made my decision.
Rey's POV

My legs begin to burn and ache as we walk back to the hut. I shiver at the thought of the hut. It still bothers me that a not-so-innocent Ben was here. Something about such a young and hopeful boy in Snoke's clutch makes me feel uneasy.

I can feel Ben's ungloved hand linger on my back. I smile wryly up at him. He's seems to know exactly what I'm thinking, like he knows it's an empty smile. He doesn't say anything. The yellowish moon starts to become more vibrant and the blue sky fades to a sinister black. Despite not knowing what could be drifting around in these woods, I feel safe.

We finally reach the hut and Ben steps in front of me to open the door. I stumble in and can't see anything but I turn to shut the door, just happy to be able to relax for a bit. As I pull the lever that keeps the door shut, a warm light spreads across the room. I turn to see Ben lighting a few candles on a nightstand in between the beds. I begin taking the buns out of hair so that I might be able to sleep comfortably for once. They're incredibly annoying sometimes. Having it down isn't something I'm used to. I play with my hair as it lays on my shoulders. Ben spins around and stares at me. He smiles lightly.

"You're so beautiful." He sighs. I feel heat rush to my cheeks while I stare down at the ground. He moves over to the bed and gestures for me to sit with him.

I walk slowly over to him. I plop down on the bed and cross my legs. He stares at me intently.

We don't speak. We just look at each other like we'll never see one another again. His eyes dart around my face quickly like he's analyzing everything about me. He mumbles something I can't quite understand.

The minutes seem to fly by, still no word has been spoken. Suddenly, I feel the urge to speak.

"I love you." I mumble. He looks taken aback by my words. He runs his thumb down my cheek.

I suddenly crave Ben's lips. Every single feeling I've had while kissing him seems to flow over my body.

"I love you too." He says while leaning into my lips. I kiss him roughly. I move up and he holds my hips. His fingers press lightly against my back. Because of our sudden and abrupt motion, I can hear his coat slide off of the bed and plop onto the floor. I wrap my arms around his head and fight his lips for an advantage. His hands run through my loose hair. I never want him to let me go.

I push him down lightly and continue to kiss him. My hands pull his shirt up and he responds by tugging it off the rest of the way. I hold the shirt in my hand. I let fall delicately onto the floor. I pull away from Ben. His black hair lays in random positions. I run my hand down his shirtless chest. I bite my lip and bring my eyes back up to his. I place a kiss on his cheek as he begins undoing the leather belt that lays across my waist. That too falls to the ground with a thud.

I smile down on the bed with my eyes closed. His fingers scurry around to pull my shirt off.

"It's not that hard." I tease while whispering into his ear. He laughs, his tone deep.

"Help me then." He snarls smoothly.
I wake up to the feeling of a hand on my bare back. I smile into the pillow remembering the night before. Now I know Ben loves me like no one ever can. He makes me feel so- I can't even describe it.

I turn over and run my fingers through his hair. It's a complete mess- most likely from the activities of the previous night. I trace my finger over his lips. His sleeping face is so adorable. His lips push out, his nose is slightly scrunched up, and his cheeks puff out in the smallest bit.

I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

I sync my breathing up with his heart absentmindedly. Ben's hand comes up and lays across my face.

"Ben," I laugh.

"Hmmmmmm." He groans.

"Get your hand off my face!" I cry out in laughter. He responds by pulling me into his arms. I nuzzle my head in his neck and smile. I run my finger down his side, feeling his ribs. His warm skin heats up mine.

"We really should get up, Benny." I coo.

"Why? I just want to hold you and sleep for the next 5 centuries." He whines. I chuckle into his neck.

"I'm hungry, plus I need to get some clothes on. I'm getting cold." I sigh.

"Well in that case," He says. "I'll just keep you warm." He pulls me closer, almost squishing me.

"Ben!" I laugh out.

"Okay, okay." He sighs.

I get up from the bed and pull a sheet from it. I easily wrap it around myself and look back on Ben while doing so. He raises his eyebrows and sits up. I walk steadily to the window and pull back the wooden doors that cover them. The morning sunlight shines through onto my face. The sun feels so warm on my bare skin. I feel Ben's hand on my shoulder.

I turn to look at him and see he has put clothes on, minus the shirt. When I look up to his face he looks down on me in a way I don't like. He looks sad and conflicted. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "You've been acting odd lately."

He shakes his head.

"I'm fine, just a little tired." I look away. I don't believe him. He's been acting like this for the past few days. He can't just be "tired" but I decide not to question it.

"You said you're hungry?" He asks, bringing my chin up to his face gently. I nod.

"There's this one fruit I found when I was here years ago. I'll go find it." He smiles. I laugh as he walks out the door.
Kylo's POV
As Rey and I sit on the bed eating our vibrant green fruits, I look at her. Because she looks so unsuspecting. Because of the way the sheet lays on her skin. Because of how much I love her. Because of how torn up I feel.

I'm so stupid. Why am I running around in circles? Why can't I make up my mind? Confliction is all I ever feel now.

How dare I do this to her? I am so disgusted with myself. Because I can't make up my mind and stick with a decision, she's going to hurt more. We're going to hurt more.

But I won't allow myself to be the reason she gets hurt. I won't be the reason she can never find someone who is truly good for her.

I will not be the reason.

Kind of a filler-ish chapter but also important for two reasons.

1. You see how Kylo is feeling and what he's going to do.


The next chapter is really going to be where it all goes down.


Thank you for reading, loves! ❤️

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