Chapter 1

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(Also all rights to the owner of the art used in my cover.)
My eyes flash open. I feel sweat covering my body and a sharp pain in my back. Where am I? I ask myself looking around. I'm laying on a large bed with black sheets and comforter. The room is dimly lit with no windows. What is this place?  This room is luxurious, the color theme black. Everything about this screams that this is Kylo's doing but I shake off the feeling due to the fact I'm in a room and not chained to a chair.

My most recent thoughts are blurry although I can remember other things. Finn, Kylo Ren, Han. I suddenly feel sick. Han. Tears tug at my eyes.

I look around and spot a camera on the ceiling.

"Hello?" I ask looking towards it. "Where am I?" I pray am at the Resistance but a sharp pain in my chest suggests otherwise.

With no response I sit on the bed again feeling where the source of pain is coming from on my back. I feel a very large swelled up area as my fingers run across it.

I snap my head up as I hear the large metal door open. My eyes explore eagerly. When I see who it is, a quick memory floods back. 

"You need a teacher! I could show you the way of the force!" Kylo yells bending me over a large break in the ground.

"I refuse to be taught by the likes of you." I spit at him and everything goes black, quickly.

He walks in his stride large. My heart stops. I stop breathing. This man is a murderer. He killed his father. What kind of man is he? His mask hides his face. He's nothing but a coward.

He stops in front of me, looking down. I stand up, anger coursing through me. Han is dead because of him which is horrible enough but he, his son, did it. In cold blood when all Han wanted to do was help him.

"Why am I here? Take me back to the resistance." I snarl.

He laughs quietly, his voice deep and sinister.

"I'm training you. You will help us." He says. I can't read him through his voice. He's not speaking with sympathy or cruelness.

"I will never help you." I say 'you' as if the word is poison. "What you're doing is wrong. I will
not help."

"You will be a great addition. You will help us achieve our goal."

"Stop telling me things I will not do. Do not waste your breathe on the words you are speaking." I glare at him, my eyes boring at where his eyes would be without the mask.

"You see, Rey. I was trained as a child. I never knew what I was doing was the minority of thoughts among people. I was trained to believe it was right. But now I realize that it doesn't matter if it's wrong or right, it's the fact that you are overpowering people for what you want. What you would like to see the Galaxy become." He turns and paces around the room. He runs his black glove across a book sitting on a nightstand.

"You don't know what it feels like to be powerful. You don't know what it's like to be someone people look up to." He says turning around to look at me.

"I doubt people look up to you. Even Darth Vader looks down on you in disgrace." I say in pure disgust, anger coursing throughout my entire body.

To that, walks me quickly and pins me against the wall. The thing is, in some way it's gently, despite his anger. I recoil from his touch.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, Scavenger girl." He says furiously. I stare at him our faces inches apart, attempting to enter his thoughts.

Darkness Needs Light (Reylo)Where stories live. Discover now