What Happened to the FFAC kids during the battle of Hogwarts {Part 1}

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Summary: In Italian_Author 's FFAC you see the characters you know throughout their days at Hogwarts. But what happened when the biggest threat on Hogwarts tried to tear them up.
Word Count: 1807

A frightening jumble of nervousness, danger, and fear engulfed us whole in a tangible wave

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A frightening jumble of nervousness, danger, and fear engulfed us whole in a tangible wave. It closed at our throats and shook us up until we felt lost and alone. I attempted to brush it off and tried recalling every defense spell and curse I could think of, but the anxiety of what lie ahead cut inside me like a rusted dagger.

Gianna and I walked hurriedly in a small group of students and faculty side by side. Leading the way was Professor McGonagall as she and Neville spoke frantically.

"Let me get this straight Professor, you're actually giving us permission to do this?" he seemed bewildered and she answered quickly and sharply as her long dark purple robes swished behind her with every step.

She was the type of witch to always keep her clothes pressed and clean, but the hem of her robes had a trace of dirt and her hair stuck out wildly from its usually neat bun. We all knew that something horrible was sure to be happening if one of our bravest and toughest Professors was visibly worried herself.

"That is correct Longbottom." I turned to Gianna and saw her clenching her wand in her right hand.

"Are you ok?" I asked in a sad attempt to shed the worries off of myself, but hearing my own voice shake from my fear told me to not even try.

"I'm fine." She responded after a blank reaction. "How about you?"

I scoffed a bit. "I mean we are at war with one of those most terrifying wizards out there, and he's got an army." I paused after I noticed the word vomit of my fear. "But, I feel like we've got a chance." Gianna stood almost silent as we trudged along.

After Cedric's death the fun little comments from her that we had all gotten used to rarely came out and we were all afraid they would be lost forever.

"Why don't you confer with Mr. Finnigan. As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics." McGonagall continued. Gianna and I scurried out the door with other students and passed the five. I watched Gianna make eye contact with Seamus and give a knowing nod. His face lit up and ran up to them. Over the years Seamus and she had slowly gotten along better, after all, he was madly in love with her ever since the start and we all knew it. Cedric will always be the tragedy of her life, but something deep inside tells me Seamus may be one to help her out of this pit in the future.

"I can bring it down!" he said. The two smiled and Neville and Seamus ran off towards the bridge.

We continued to walk off across the gravel towards the walls of the school with few other students and professors. The boundaries of the school were dark, yet there was a soft glow coming from the castle as if the school was in a happy little snow globe dropped into the deep blackness of the ocean.

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