3 weeks before...

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3 weeks before December 3.....


"Just do it Eva.." I mumbled as I hit the un-follow button on my dads Instagram page.

"Yeah good job Eva! You don't need him.." I chuckled as lex entered the office. Instantly I shot up and strode to the door.

Both out of embarrassment and the fear of any awkwardness between us.

"I got some papers to get downstairs.." I lied intentionally planning to sit around in the cafe next to the copy room.

"Cmon Ev.." He said my nickname as he sat in his chair.

"You don't have to lie to me.." He chuckled innocently making me sit back down.

"Well what do you want me to do? Sit here in sheer awkwardness?" I shrugged and picked up a pencil playing with it in my hand and avoiding his eyes. Very nice eyes...

"It's not awkward unless you make it awkward Eva.." He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms.

"I guess.." I trailed off sighing and setting the pencil down. I picked up the office phone and started to dial Lois Lanes number.

"What're you doing? " lex asked curiously as it rang.

"Congratulating Lois on her baby.." I whispered.

"Hello?" She tiredly said as I heard the baby happily in the background.

"Hey lois it's me Eva.." I said into the phone. "I just wanted to congratulate you on your baby .. I know It's a little late to do that but.." I trailed off.

"Thanks!" She warmly said. "Are you expecting soon?" She asked.

"Yeah I am." I smiled to myself.

"Oh that's great! You'll be a terrific-" she cut herself off. "No mark don't put that in your mouth!" She said speaking to the baby. "Mark! " she sighed out. "Sorry... Mark broke the book case.." She trailed off. "Again ." She sighed.

I felt my brows furrow in confusion. "How did he.." She cut me off.

"Marks got his dads strength and everything else..." She sighed out. "Listen I got to go but ill talk to you later. Maybe we can get some lunch or something.." She said.

"Sure of course!" I happily said . "Bye!"

"Bye." She said before I hung up.

I looked up to see lex's beady eyes on me. "So how's there baby goin? We got another god from the sky?" He chuckled.

"Yeah. " I sighed out. "Must be a handful. But an adorable hand full!" I chuckled.

"Hey next thing you know your baby's gonna be running around with guns and running the mob.." He joked.

I smirked at him. "Over my dead body."

"Ooh careful with your choice of words Eva!" He joked again. Making me laugh a bit. "Of course I could always raise your kid with ya. Then he won't be a gangsta!" He laughed as he crossed his arms.

"Lex the last thing I need is my baby growing up planning to kill superman and his son..." I joked.

"Alright Mrs. Supermom!" Lex rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go get coffee across the street. Would you like any?" He chuckled.

"Just the donuts !" I replied .

He smirked at me. "Yeah alright."


In Love With Chaos (Sequel to Falling for a psycho Joker)Where stories live. Discover now