Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Nick hadn't come back and I was growing bored. My mind kept on returning to Nick's scarred back and that only frustrated me more. I never liked un-answered questions and that's exactly what Nick has given me.
How did he get them? Why did he get them? Why did he run off in such a hurry?
Either way, I was left with no answers and nothing to do. 
I couldn't pretend that being in the tent wasn't better than being chained to the tree. I could lie down on the bed and look up at the white top of the tent and feel the support of the mattress on my back. There was no chains cutting my wrists and I had the warmth of Nick's sweatpants and jumper to warm me. But I was so damn bored.
Cheers from outside, made me jump, causing me to sit up at attention.
Please don't come in, Please don't come in, I begged, hearing the male voices so close to the tent.
To my relief, they disappeared and I was once again on my own.
I huffed, half disappointed. I didn't want to be tortured, that was obvious. But I didn't want to be by myself.
Giving in, I cautiously made my way to the exit of the tent and peered out.
It was so strange, the way they lived. In tents, not in houses? I guess they had been banished here. And what hell it was. I hadn't seen much of this place but I knew that the land was barren which meant that animals were scarce. And boy, these people looked more bone than human.
Most of the wolves hung around a sweltering fire, trying to stay warm. Others were just outside the camp fire, trying to get a raise out of one enough for entertainment. Didn't worry me. Even the younger wolves wanted to try some action.
Forgetting where I was, I stepped out into the open and slowly made my way closer without being noticed.
The argument between two men caught my attention as bystanders stood round.
"I saw you lookin' at her!" one yelled, pushing the other, "So, don't try and deny it."
"I wasn't," the other argued, "Hate to break it to you, but your sister isn't a saint. In fact, she's damn devil in the sack!"
My eyes widened at his words. Now, I was no prude. But talking about the lad's sister like that, seriously? What ever happened to respect?
"You watch your tongue or I'll cut it off and watch it for you," the lad warned, pushing against the other one's shoulders once again.
The second lad swung his fist and smashed the other's cheek. He fell to the ground only to be scooped up by the other wolves. Finally on his feet, he jumped the other lad, now in his wolf form. The bystanders backed off, not wanting to get caught up in the cross fire.
I watched, shocked at how aggressive the fight had become in so little time. If this had happened back at home, I don't think Callum would have allowed it to get this far. And yet, Hector was nowhere to be seen. God, he was a pathetic excuse for an Alpha.
The large grey wolf's yelp, caught my attention as the second lad got the better hand by punching his muzzle in an attempt to get the wolf off him. The wolf backed away, allowing the second lad to shift into another grey wolf with a white face.
First threatening growls till the claws came out. God, they were ripping each other apart. I watched, shocked that no one was stepping in.
They're goin' to rip each other apart! I wanted to scream, trying to stop myself from running over to them and stopping it myself.
The larger grey wolf, snapped at the second wolf's legs, snagging its front paw and bighting down hard.
I found myself looking around for Hector to break it up but couldn't see his ugly mug anywhere.
When I looked back, one wolf was pinned and about to be dead.
Before I could stop myself, I shifted.
The grey human figures didn't know what to make of me at first. Their dark, confused eyes, looked down at me as I growled my threats to let me through. None of them moved. To entertained by the sudden show of the wolves and too confused by me.
My growls grew now ordering. A couple made room for me and I entered the ring.
They both caught my royal scent. The wolf on top, looked up and growled at me, furious that I was stopping him from killing his prey. I refused to back down. I had royal blood running through my veins, I was not going to submit to him.
Moving off the wolf with the white face, he snapped at me, his teeth nipping at my feet. I growled back, clawing at his face. It was a warning.
He didn't listen. I couldn't help but be confused. Didn't this wolf know who I was? Didn't he know how rich my blood was?
When his large wolf body started to stalk towards me, I started to realize my mistake. The wolf wasn't backing down because he thought he would win. He was large, possibly stronger and able to kill me. And if he couldn't kill the other male wolf, he was happy to kill me.
I growled, trying not to make out that I didn't feel powerless. I didn't. I had fought many larger wolves in my life time. My three older brothers for a start. I thought I could take him on.
Clap! clap! clap!
I jumped at the sound of skin hitting skin. My head turned towards the sound, finding him. The person that was supposed to stop it.
The bystanders had cleared to allow him through. He stood, proud, with his arms folded against his chest and a wicked grin across his lips. Growls escaped my chest before I realized, remembering everything he had done to my family.
"Everyone!" he called, "The white wolf in front of you is, Allie Patterson!"
I looked around, panicked by the sound of my human name. Those confused faces disappeared and were replaced with angry ones.
"If you can't remember why that name sounds so familiar then let me remind you. Her brother is Callum Patterson, The so-called Alpha King that killed your Alpha and banished us to this place."
Growls erupted from my chest, knowing that that wasn't the version I remembered.
"Now, she's here, tryin' to challenge our order."
There was a murmur from the crowd as their anger grew towards me.
"So here's your chance for a little payback," he announced, "Anyone who wishes to challenge the Princess, go right ahead."
I looked around, watching as wolves took the forms of the humans, growling threats. The wolf that I had challenged before, backed off and allowed others to have a chance.
The first wolf that made the challenge was a small brown wolf that was most likely a teenager trying to show he was worthy. He snapped at my paws but stumbled, giving me a chance to win. I took a large bite out of his shoulder, not letting go till his yelps pieced my ears.
I allowed him to back away, back into the crowd, knowing there was no need to chase after him.
Pain ripped into my hind leg, causing me to yelp. My leg had been let by fire as I struggled to get free of their grip. I didn't know what had me, till I kicked at whatever was behind me and somehow got free. It was another wolf. A lot larger than the one before and this time a female.
I flattened my ears, hoping that she would back off. Instead, she barked at me, flashing her white teeth.
Whatever happened to girls stickin' together?
Giving up, I snapped back, not trying to be friendly. I took every chance I had to hurt the bitch. I clawed at her face, took a bite out of her paw and scratched her shoulder. It was clear that I had won and she backed off too.
By the forth wolf, I was struggling to stand. My shoulder had been cut opened, my ear torn, my hind leg burning with bite marks and I was puffed from trying to use speed as my advantage.
My eyes landed on the cruel Alpha trying to work out his motives. Why wasn't he stoppin' this? Or better yet, why wasn't he challengin' me himself?
My questions were left unanswered when a familiar scent entered the ring.
A large grey wolf, stood in front of me. My human mind gave me a human face that matched the scent of the wolf. It was the Beta.
He was huge. Around the same size as my second brother who was twice the size of me. His large, muscular legs, showing his strength and even if I once had a shot to win in a fight with him, there was no possibly way now. I was doomed.

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