Chapter 2. Doing the dare.

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Cassidy's POV

"May I hear the reports now?" Darren said as we walked to our homeroom.

I turned to him, frowning and furrowing my eyebrows and said, "What do you mean reports?"

I explored my mind, trying to see if we have a homework or project that's needed to be done, but all I got was nothing. I know we already passed our written lab reports in biology, so that was definitely not what he was talking about.

"Oh, you know what I mean." he answered.

I stared at him, completely confused. "What? No, I don't know what you mean."

He looked at me, searching my face, as if trying to see if I was lying or not. Then, he dramatically sighed. "Alexis."

"Oh." was the only response I managed to say. I mean, what was I supposed to say?

It has been a complete month since the last time Darren and I played COD. Honestly, out of all the punishments or dares he made me do, that was the only one I can't seem to do. I'd rather lick a strawberry jam on a toilet seat than do that. I mean, I'm freaking straight! I'm totally not into girls! And, I don't want to hurt Alexis. For some reason, I don't want to see her cry, especially if it's because of me. I can't break her heart; she's done nothing wrong. Plus, she won't even recognize me. What are my chances to even have at least one date with her? None! However, knowing my crazy best friend, he would try to find ways just to make me do it, even if I humiliate myself. Just like blackmailing me...

"You aren't doing anything, are you?" he asked.

I stayed silent. Asking myself how and why did he became my best friend.

Sometimes I just want to kill him and dump his useless body on the farthest lake here...

"Well, you don't want people to know aaaaall of your secrets, do you?" he said, smirking.

See what I mean?

I stopped walking and sighed. I guess I have no other choice then...

"What do you think I should do then, boss?" I said, putting my hand on my hip and narrowing my eyes at him.

"Ask her out." he said without hesitation.

"Darren, do you even hear yourself?" I said, throwing my hands in the air in frustration. "I already told you! I'm straight! I won't date a girl, much less ask one out!" I added, my voice rising slightly.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"What would you do if the situations are reversed and I asked you to ask Brett out on a date? Wouldn't you freak out because you're straight?" I asked.

He paled. And I know I already won this argument. Ha! Take that mister! I'm never going to do that freaking punishment!

However, the moment he opened his mouth, I instantly paled.

"Don't think you already won, because you didn't. You still have to do it, because you lost the game Cassidy." he said. "You will ask her out, and show her that you are sincere! Make sure it is convincing."

Then, he turned on his heel and walked away.

I stared at his retrearing back with my mouth open, and my eyes wide.

I would never ever play any game with him anymore! I repeat; NEVER!


Why does my life seem to be so freaking unbelievable? I mean, why can't I even say no to Darren? One moment, I was mad and ready to have his balls as a decoration to the Christmas tree, and then the next moment, I'm completely doing whatever the hell he wants me to do. Seriously, I think there's something wrong with me.

So, here I am standing at a lunch table, waiting for Alexis to enter the cafeteria, and ask her out on a date. I know, it's totally not a brilliant idea to do this, but I can't think of any other way to show her that I was sincere like Darren said. So I just decided to broadcast my humiliation to the whole population of the school who are merrily munching on their food. And to be honest, I am nervous. What if she turned me down? What if she said no? What if she just ignored me? Or worse, what if she laughed at me? That would've been so embarassing for me and entertaining for the others, considering the fact that almost all of the students are here right now to eat their lunch. Well, at least there are other students who aren't here to witness what might happen. They just have to rely on the rumors...

I sneaked a glance at Darren, sitting at our lunch table at the corner, completely relaxed. He even has a bowl of popcorn on his hands! Jerk!

I heard the whisperings on the cafeteria lessened, and I tensed. That could only mean one thing.

I heard the doors to the cafeteria and the sound of laughing. So, I turned my head in that direction and instantly spotted Alexis.

Wow. She looks beautiful. It's actually such a shame that she's a lesbian. Otherwise, guys would have been following her around like stray puppies. Why did she even decided to be a lesbian? She doesn't even dress like a guy, she's just dressed like any other girl in here. White sleeveless shirt that have ruffles in front, a black skinny jeans, and black sandals. Definitely looks like a girl. A hot, sexy and beautiful girl at that.

I met her brown eyes, and that snapped me out of it. I have to do what I have to do. So, I held the microphone in my hands and said,

"Alexis delos Reyes, will you go out on a date with me?"


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