Things Change - Chapter 19

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There were a lot of people sitting and looking at me. Thankfully Sarah went in front of me and she seemed to know I was nervous. So she took the lead and started to walk down dropping flowers. Kji and the priest were there waiting for me up on the stage like area. White flowers were littered everywhere and all along the grand arch. It was a big and beautiful wedding....but it just wasn't me.

My father swooped in beside me and grabbed my arm to walk down the isle with me. I blushed lightly out of nerves and embarrassment from the eyes that were on me. He walked down and gave me away with a gentle glance and I walked up the short steps and faced Kji.

The priest said a few words but they all seemed to mesh together in my head as I tried to listen. In no time I realized and it was my turn to say 'I do'. I looked at Kji. "I-I do" I managed to stutter out but I felt dizzy at my own words. Letting out a shaky breath I smiled half heartedly.

The priest looked at me and nodded then to kji, "I do" he said looking at me, "you may now kiss your bride" The man said and kji leaned in to kiss me....I was going to kiss him.....but I backed up by instinct. "S-sorry I can't" I stammered looking at him. My mind was made up by that point. "I don't love you" I murmured sadly and loud enough for all there to hear.

Kji looked at me utterly surprised, as did Sarah. Then the king stood up, "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, you can still marry if you don't love each other! Kji kiss her! It's not too late!" Kji looked at his father "no, because I don't love her either, there is someone else I love--" "-- fine if that's how you want to play, then I wage war on the province of shi!" The king yelled "arrest her!"

I looked at the prince. "Go to her" I whispered quietly. The guards started to come towards me and I backed away and took off the veil to get a better look at them. 'There are too many!' I thought in slight panic.

Just then all the guards fell at her feet and Tomoe was standing behind them, expertly putting his sword back and jumped over the bodies to me, lifted me up, and ran out of the room of chaos.

I had managed to close my eyes shut when the guards fell down but then I felt myself being carried and I opened my eyes. "T-Tomoe!" I breathed out in relief and managed a slight smile.

He didn't look at me and just continued running. Striking down guards as he went, "that was a stupid move m'lady..." he muttered as he cut through a guard and jumped over him. "I-i couldn't do it" I whimpered a little and tried to move but I just was unable to move in his arms.

He sighed "because you were put two provinces in danger" he grumbled as he managed to run out of the castle. I cringed slightly at his words and tone. "Okay I get it I'm selfish! that's all I am! A pain in the neck that is selfish and can't handle being alone" I huffed bitterly.

He sighed and looked down at me with those....those violet eyes "just shut up" he said and began kissing me so that I would keep quiet but he was still running. I tell you that my eyes went wide! It's not like I could move from his grip....The only thing I could do was blush.

There was no way out of the castle walls because the guards had blocked it all off. Tomoe stopped kissing me and looked around....then he jumped out the nearest wall window. I was still blushing but paying enough attention to hold onto him tightly and close my eyes.

They hit the ground perfectly fine, but it began raining....soaking them to the bone. Tomoe held me tightly as he ran into the forest.  We got deeper into the forest and I opened my eyes slightly. I didn't feel quite as tense anymore and slightly more at ease.

Tomoe then ran into a nearby cave and put me down, collected sticks and stones and then he started a small fire, letting out a sigh. I had watched him closely. Moving my now dirtied wedding dress out of the way so I could sit up properly. "I'm sorry" I murmured quietly looking at the small fire.

He looked at me and sighed "it's fine, I will be back....if something happens call me" he said and then ran out of the cave.

~Small Timeskip cause I can~

A few hours later Tomoe came back and he walked into the cave, having his sword out just incase something had happened but he only saw me and he put down his sword. "Good you're back!" I cheered quietly with a small smile. The thoughts had been eating me alive so I may have added wood to the fire....seeing as the fire was 2x the size as before.

He looked at the fire with a raised eyebrow, "what have you been doing?" He asked looking around the cave that seemed a bit cleaner. In his hands he had new clothes for me that looked warm.

"I fiddled around...a lot" I chuckled a bit. He sighed heavily and gave the clothes to me, "change or you will get a cold" he stated. I grabbed them from him great fully. "Thank you!" I hummed and began to change, slipping into the clothes that he had brought. They were comfy enough I thought with a smile.

Tomoe had sat down and looked away from me as I dressed. And once I finished I sat beside him. "Thanks" I said again with a smile on my face. He simply looked at me and nodded. He was soaking wet and looked away look at the fire.

"You should take off your clothes and let them dry... I can't have you catching a cold either" I pointed out with concern. It was true I really didn't want him to get sick...

He looked at me with his head tilted in a slightly cute way. "I don't have anything to cover myself with, and if I do that, I will still catch one because it is cold in here" he said shivering as if to prove his point.

I frowned slightly and looked at the wedding dress I had on earlier and stood up. I took a small, sharp rock and cut it apart making it into a huge blanket. I then was careful and moved over to the fire to warm it up. "You can cover up with this and I can cuddle you to keep you warm" I hummed happily.

He looked at me "it's fine m'lady, I can do it by myself " he said taking the new blanket from my hands.

Sorry its late!! So many words '0.0

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