Answers :)

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Netflix-And-Weston: What do u see in Luna. Out of allllllllllll people why her?

She is the first person I saw after I found out that I wouldn't have a chance with Adrian. Plus I think Luna is gorgeous and wouldn't hurt a fly.

OurJourneysPillow: date me

Depends. I will fight for Coco and you will be sleeping outside my door. Gotta treat Betty and Coco like royalty.


Netflix-And-Weston: Do u really like Mario more than Weston?

Weston is my best friend. After everything that went down I think he will always want to remain friends. Mario is my boyfriend. The love of my life. To answer your question, I don't know. Guess we'll have to find out in the sequel.


Netflix-And-Weston: On a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you like Adrian

0. Idon't like Adrian, I love her.

Adrian: you scared me there, babe.

Mario: oops, sorry.

OurJourneysPillow: date me

If me and Adrian ever break up, maybe. But I'm happily in a relationship with Adrian.


OurJourneysPillow: date me thnx

Sure. You are now mine.


Netflix-And-Weston: Can you just crawl in a hole and not come out...ever?

Then who will be here to torment Adrian? Oh wait. I know exactly.

OurJourneysPillow: Why would u ruin my life like honestly why

I'm your queen. I ruin no ones life. Well, Adrian's. Well, she deserves what she gets. That whore.


Netflix-And-Weston: Can you not be alive anymore? Please? Cause I'm pretty sure no one likes u 🐸☕️

Too bad Luna thinks otherwise.

OurJourneysPillow: LEAVE GO DIE

-chuckles- I won't be going anywhere.

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