Author's Note #2

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I recently discovered this song by Dodie Clark that I think actually relates a lot to this story, so I wanted to show it to you guys.

That song is about a year old, but here is another video she made recently that isn't a song, but also relates a bit to this story.

trigger warning: abuse, rape

I have a point to this author's note, I promise.

Put yourself into Brooke's shoes.

Are you or a friend in a relationship?  If so, which of Brooke's relationships is it more like: hers with Jace, or hers with Zack?

Are you happy?  Would your friends say you're happy?

If so, hopefully your relationship is a lot like Brooke and Zack's, and that is a good thing.

However, do any of these things sound like you?

-You're on a daily emotional roller coaster.
-You feel isolated.
-Your significant other has jealousy issues.
-Arguments tend to escalate quickly.
-You're nervous around them.
-They constantly put you down.
-You feel trapped.

If this sounds like you, you're most likely dating a Jace.  And that is not a good thing.

If you're dating a Jace, please seek help.  Talk to a friend or family member, call a helpline, just tell someone!  I'll be leaving links in the description of important information regarding this, so don't be afraid to check them out.

Everyone deserves a Zack in their lives; no one deserves a Jace.

(I finished this story a few months ago, but I just now realized that I should actually speak up on this issue, thanks to the second video of Dodie's that I included.  Please please please seek help if you're dating someone abusive.  I have also included a trigger warning at the beginning of this book because that is something I should've done long ago.

This chapter isn't telling you that you should check out Dodie, but you can if you'd like, as she posts wonderful songs and speaks about important things.)

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