Chapter Four

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"I love working out." Brooke confesses. "It's kind of an addiction. It's not like I'm addicted to drugs, so it's a good addiction."

Brooke and Zack walked into the gym. There were a few people already there, but they didn't pay them any attention, which they were grateful for.

They worked out and trained for a while. At one point, Eva Marie and JoJo walked in. Brooke didn't pay any attention to them. When she and Zack took a break to drink some water, Eva and JoJo walked over to her.

"Hey, Brooke, right?" Eva asks.

Brooke nods. "Yeah. What's up?"

"Is it cool if we talk when you're done with your workout?" She asks. "I need your opinion on something."

"Yeah, sure," Brooke says, nodding.

"Great," She says. "Can we meet at the hotel?"


"Awesome. See you later then," Eva says.

"Bye!" JoJo says before following her friend.

Zack walks up to Brooke, confused. "Who were they?"

"The newbies," Brooke answers. "Eva Marie's the taller one, and JoJo is the one with curly hair."

Brooke and Zack finish their workout. They head back to the hotel and say their goodbyes. Before talking to the newbies, Brooke decides to take a shower.

Once she's showered and dressed, she heads to the lobby. Eva Marie and JoJo are already there. When they see her, JoJo grins.

"Hey, guys," Brooke says.

"Hey," They say in unison.

"So what's up?" Brooke asks.

"Mark and Jane want me to dye my hair blonde," Eva explains. "But there are already blonde Divas and I want to make an impact, you know?"

"Yeah," She says, nodding.

"I was thinking of dying my hair red," Eva says.

"I think you'd look great with red hair," Brooke admits. "But Mark and Jane will be pretty pissed off."

"Yeah, I know." Eva sighs.

"I say go for it," Brooke says. "If they're mad, who cares? You're trying to make a name for yourself and if that means dying your hair red, then do it."

"Thanks," Eva says. "I'm glad you're the one I asked for advice."

"No problem." Brooke smiles. "I love helping out the newbies, so feel free to talk to me anytime."

JoJo grins. "Thanks! We will!"

Eva Marie and JoJo walk away, so Brooke turns around to head back to her room. She stops when her phone vibrates.

"I got a text from Zack asking if I wanted to hang out with him," Brooke explained. "Nothing big, just a movie in his hotel room." She pauses. "It's not a date, I promise!"


Brooke shut the door to her hotel room and plopped down on the bed, lying down. She groaned.

Nattie walked out of the bathroom, confused.

"Brooke, are you okay?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

Brooke sat up. "Oh, sorry, Nattie!" She lets out a laugh. "I didn't think you'd be in here."

"What's wrong, Brooke?" Nattie asks, taking a seat next to her.

"Well..." She sighed. "Zack asked me to hang out in his room with him, just watching movies and talking."

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