Me: K...

 I hopped downstairs, and saw my car keys on the kitchen counter. Feeling a little confused, I peered out the window, and saw my dream car parked in the driveway. What was my car doing at home? Wasn't Jane supposed to be driving it?   

Me: OMG wat r my car keys doing @ home?? 

Chris: I gave Jane my car 2 take instead, plus me & joce didn't want u 2 b stranded @home all day

Chris: Plus, now u can go to the gala

I then instantly got a call from Jocelyn.

[Phone Conversation]

Me: Hey Joce.

Jocelyn: Babe now you can go, you excited?! I just got what I'm wearing tonight.

Me: I don't know if I'm going tonight, and I bet it's cute.

Jocelyn: But you car keys, the're there right?

Me: Yes, of course they are, but I don't have a date.

Jocelyn: You don't even need one. 

Me: Yet you're bringing a plus one.

Jocelyn laughed.

Jocelyn: I completely forgot, but it's not necessary. Plus, you're beautiful, guys will be lined up to take you.

"How did you completely forget about me?" I heard my brother say in the background, as Jocelyn laughed.

Me: It's fine. I'll probably stay home.

Jocelyn: I'll miss you. I'll be stuck there with your brother.

"Hey!" I heard my brother call out in the background. 

Jocelyn: Promise you'll think about it?

Me: Yes I promise.

Jocelyn: Good.

Me: I'm gonna head out, so I'll talk to you soon? 

Jocelyn: Yes. See you soon hopefully!

Me: Bye bye love.

I had ended the phone call, grabbed a few granola bars, and an apple, grabbed my car keys, and hopped into my Jeep Wrangler.

2:30 p.m

I was walking down the sidewalk looking down at my phone, and right as I looked up I ran into someone, dropping some of their bags, and some of mine.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been watching where I was..." I trailed off as I looked up right into the eyes of let's just say a very very very attractive man. I felt as if I had seen him before.

"It's alright." He smiled, "I'm Richie. You?"

"Charlotte." I said shyly.

"Charlotte, mind if we go get some donuts or something?"

"Sounds great." I smiled, "You're the first person I've heard ask to go get some donuts instead of coffee, like in all those movies."



"I like donuts more than coffee." he laughed.

We walked past a few stores, on our way to a donuts shop that was in the shopping center.

"I've been having a pretty crappy day, and one of my best friends, always used to let me rant on, and on, usually about girls who I had interest in, but didn't usually return the feelings. I'd say that it was the worst day. He would say otherwise, and I'd say for him to give me a sign that it wasn't. Strangely enough, something good would happen."

"Sounds like a great friend you have there."

"Yeah...he was. He died almost 5 years ago now. I still carry on and ask him to give me a sign when I'm having a bad day. Today I said the same thing, then I bumped into you."

I didn't usually do this but I gave him a hug, which surprised him.

"Thanks." he said.

I pulled away, and smiled at him "Anytime."

5:30 p.m

We had spent about two hours laughing, and chatting in the donuts shop, then walked around for an hour simply talking, and being silly.

"Richie, listen, I was supposed to be going to a gala tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my new date?"

"So was I.." he chuckled.

"Oh really? For what?" I asked.

"It's called the UK Fashion Gala-"

"Same!" I said excitedly, "You must have a date though?" 

He smiled at my outburst, "Actually, that was one of the reasons why my day was crappy. Would you like to be my date?"

"Great. OH MY-YOU'RE RICHIE PRYO." I beamed.

"You know me! Wow I'm honored. I know you from somewhere...give me a second my memory is very bad." he analyzed me for a moment, and his mouth dropped, "I can't believe that I will have the oh so wonderful, Charlotte Derrson, as my date." 

I smiled, "You didn't have to say that. I'm already thrilled to be going with the amazing Richie Pryo."

"I'm not all that. But you are." 

"Stop, please," I smiled, giggling a bit, "I really am not." 

"Whatever pleases you." he smiled you, clearly not agreeing with me. 

"Can I meet you by the Crystal Palace building?"

"That sounds great." he smiled, "At what time?"



We parted ways, and boy was I one happy girl!


Bonjour mes lovelies. This was probably a short chap-but the next chapter is like continuing this chap sooooo yeah. 

You know the drill :)

Love you all greatly. 



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