Chapter 36

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Jonah Whitley 

"Ahh, Jonah, you made it!" Valerie greeted them with a wide smile as they walked up to her inside her living room. 

"Nice place you got here," Jonah complimented. 

"This? Thank you, but this is nothing. The chalet my parents bought whenever we go on vacation, now, that is something wondrous to remember," Valerie said. "Now, you two go enjoy the party, alright? I will go tend to my guests." 

Valerie sauntered off, leaving Jonah and Ponnie alone. 

Cassidy Hoskins 

"Kiss me." 

"What?" Cassidy spluttered, looking confused. 

Scott didn't wait for Cassidy's consent. He dropped his burrito back onto the plate, leaned in and kissed Cassidy full on the lips. Cassidy almost couldn't breathe. She could still taste the spicy tang of the burrito on Scott's lips. As alluring an aftertaste as it was, Cassidy was starting to question Scott's sanity. 

He dropped out of a game of Truth or Dare, saying he was hungry. Then he went and began wolfing down a burrito when all of a sudden, he felt a crazed urge to kiss Cassidy. Either he was barking mad, or something was up. 

"Mmm, Scott, what is up with you?" Cassidy asked, slightly dreamy as she looked at Scott questioningly. 

"Nothing much," he said, eyes darting around. 

He leaned in to kiss her again. 

Jonah Whitley 

"Ponnie, what's wrong?" Jonah asked. 

Ponnie looked slightly constipated. She was looking across the living room at something and it clearly disturbed her. 

Valerie's living room had been converted to a dance floor. The only part of the living room that wasn't crowded by a bunch of sweaty teenagers dancing around wildly was overrun by the nerds, sitting around the sofa and gaming on Valerie's PlayStation 3 and 4. 

Across that was the punch table, laid out with various assortments of snacks and tidbits. 

"Nothing's wrong," Ponnie muttered. 

"Well, do you want to get some food?" Jonah asked. 

Ponnie looked around. "I...I guess." 

"Okay. Valerie texted me earlier today to tell me that she saved up some wheat grass cake especially for you. It's a good thing I told her about your special dietary choices, huh?" Jonah said, trying to crack a smile as he led Ponnie around the dance floor to the punch table. 

Cassidy Hoskins 

"Scott, seriously, what are you-" 

Cassidy could feel Scott pushing down on her, almost forcibly, as if determined to smash his face against hers as much as humanly possible. 

"Don't talk. Just let the emotions take you over," Scott said flirtatiously, as if trying to imitate the deep alluring voice of the newscaster Sylvia had gone gaga over. 

"Um, okay." 

They continued passionately making out. Over Scott's shoulder, Cassidy could make out two shadowy figures crossing the dance floor towards her. 

Scott turned around, so that now both of them could get a good view of the living room. Cassidy noticed his eyes widen as he saw the two approaching figures. She felt his lips curve into a smile and push down onto hers with fiery passion. His hands were around her waist, his arms enveloping her, his lips never leaving hers. 

Cassidy thought to herself: This is what she'd wanted. This was what she'd fought so hard for; to be locked in a passionate embrace with this boy. 

But something was wrong. 

Cassidy felt Scott's arms leave her waist. She felt his lips peeling away from hers and he drew back away from her. She saw the two figures from the dance floor walk into the light and for just a split second, she recognized Ponnie. And that was when, without warning, Scott reached over and grabbed Ponnie's arm in a mad surge of anger. 

"I can't believe you! Why?! Why are you still with him?!" Scott yelled at Ponnie, gripping her arm in a vice-like grip. 

"Scott, what are you doing?" Cassidy blurted out, shocked at his outburst. 

"Stay out of this!" Scott yelled. 

He grabbed both of Ponnie's hands and held them up with his. "Why won't you listen, Ponnie? I've told you a million times! We can make it work! I'll show you! I can be a good partner! I can!" 

"Let go of me!" Ponnie yelped. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Jonah - who Cassidy saw standing next to Ponnie - spluttered. 

"How is he better than me? Why would you choose him over me?!" Scott yelled at Ponnie, indicating Jonah with an angry jerk of his head. "I've got the looks! I've got charm! I'm a footballer! The girls all love me! He's nothing more than a nerdy photographer! He's got no life! He's a loser! Why would you choose him over me?! What has he got that I don't have? Tell me, Ponnie! Tell me what I must do to make you choose me!" 

The entire living room had gone silent. The people on the dance floor were deathly quiet as they stared at Scott grappling with Ponnie. The DJ had shut off his music and the nerds had paused their games. Valerie Smarts stood a short distance away, looking shocked. 

Jonah and Cassidy jumped in. Jonah grabbed hold of Ponnie's hands and fought to extricate them from Scott's vice-like hold. Cassidy grabbed Scott's shoulder and pulled him away from Ponnie. Finally, Scott released Ponnie. Her wrists were raw and red. Her camera - apparently a new one since Cassidy had broken the original one - had fallen to the floor when Scott grabbed Ponnie. It had broken upon impact with the ground. History had repeated itself. 

"Come on! We're leaving!" Jonah said firmly. 

Grabbing Ponnie's arm instead of her stinging wrist, he guided her away from Scott and Cassidy and out of the house. 

Meanwhile, Cassidy put her hands on Scott's chest and forced him to backtrack into the kitchen where they'd finally get some peace and quiet.

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