Chapter 4

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Cassidy Hoskins 

It was halfway through an algebra lesson when the perfect boy walked in. Cassidy had been half-heartedly chewing on the head of her pencil as Mrs Mackelroy droned on and on about quadratic equations and factorisation. 

"And so, class, we get the answer x = 3y + 2." Mrs Mackelroy finished. 

The door opened out of the blue, with no hint of a knock or call. And the guy who stepped in swept Cassidy's breath away. 

He was dressed in a black hoodie, grey shirt and white berms with white sneakers. Though he was of an average height, Cassidy felt small and lone in his presence. 

His face looked to be a figure of beauty, surely carved by Cupid himself. 

With eyes so blue and intelligent that they plucked at Cassidy's heartstrings, a smile that caused Cassidy's heart to flutter in delight and an expression so vulnerable, emotional and passionate that Cassidy felt she could go on for days just staring at it obsessively. 

"Sorry, Mrs Mackelroy, traffic was murder," the guy said, grinning. There were a few scattered chuckles from the back of the class. 

The definition of his muscles titled him to be athletic, but not too athletic; his speech declared him witty but not too smart and his smile was convincing but not deceiving. 

Cassidy felt certain he had to be the hottest boy in class, if not the school. 

"Check him out." Cassidy said, tugging on Sylvia's sleeve. 

"Oh!" Sylvia breathed. Before, she had been looking through her worksheet. Now she looked up and gave a small gasp of delightful surprise. 

"Who is that?" she asked, looking at the guy dreamily. 

Cassidy and Sylvia weren't the only ones. 

About every girl in the class were fluttering their eyelashes at the teenage guy, who walked past them all whilst projecting an aura of confidence. 

Heaving his body between the table and the chair, the guy took his seat, which was only one table away from Cassidy. 

"How I wish I could be right next to him!" Cassidy whined longingly. 

What injustice, Cassidy thought. That soemone had to be between them. 

This was quite the literal truth as seated right between Cassidy and the guy was a nerdy-looking girl dressed in clothes that looked like they belonged to Cassidy's grandmother. 

The nerdy girl was dressed in a long dress that flowed down to her ankles and it was patterned with large red and black checkers. Her blonde hair was tied in two pigtails and she was bent over her books, her green eyes roving over sentence after sentence attentively. 

She was the only girl who hadn't looked up when the handsome guy had walked in. 

How ridiculous she looks, Cassidy thought spitefully. How dare she step in between me and him! 

Mrs Mackelroy turned to the newcomer. 

"So, you are...?" she asked. 

"Scott Riverson, ma'm," said Scott politely. 

So - perfect. Cassidy couldn't help but imagine. Scott - perhaps sitting next to her at the lunch table where the other popular girls could only sit and stare in envy. Oh, how I wish! 

Cassidy was entranced by him. This was no surprise of course - over the course of the last 3 years, Cassidy had been falling head over heels in love with a boy one second, dumping him for his friend in the next. But Cassidy wanted to believe her feelings for Scott to be real, not just the urge to have him as a plaything. She'd told herself she'd change that bad habit of hers. 

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