Chapter 22

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Cassidy Hoskins 

Summer had arrived. 

Cassidy's first term at Cliffton High was officially over. She rejoiced, throwing her books up in the air as she and Sylvia were walking home from school that day - her chaffeur Roger having taken the day off. 

"It feels so good to end the term off on a good note! Aced my physics class too, thanks to that guy Wesley who was coward enough to lend me his notes and nerd enough to have taken notes down in the first place!" Cassidy said. 

Sylvia, who was walking in pace next to her, grinned and swept some of her hair out of her eyes. "It's too bad you didn't make it into the Council though." 

"Given the fact that I knocked coffee all over School Council President Yasmine's clothes, I don't think I stood much of a chance after that. Still, it was nice to see Iona's face when I walked into the room," Cassidy muttered. "Besides, at least we get invitations to go to Jack's party tomorrow night! That'll be fun, right?" 

"Sure! But enough about Iona or Jack. Tell me...what are you going to do about Scott?" Sylvia asked conspiratorially. 

Cassidy had nearly given up all hope of asking Scott out or getting him to do so vice versa. The big guy simply wasn't interested in her. It seemed fate was cruel enough to toy with Cassidy's feelings and make her fall for the one guy that didn't want to be with her. 

Sylvia noticed Cassidy's dejection and put an arm around her. "No worries, Cass! Look, you and I will go to Jack's party tomorrow and I'll go find you a new, way hotter guy to hook up with! Everything will be fine. You'll see." 

Cassidy stood in front of the wall-length mirror propped up in her room, showing off her silky thighs and diva outfit off for her own reflection. She didn't want to over-dress, so she'd picked a simple white jacket and pink shirt, along with a short blue skirt. But Cassidy think her natural beauty cinched this deal for her - and no, she wasn't boasting. On the contrary, she thought to herself that she was being quite modest already. 

"You look beautiful, darling," Rosa, one of her five maids croaked to her as Cassidy sauntered down the stairs. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Rosey. If my dad comes home early, though that's highly unlikely, tell him I'm over at Sylvia's to do homework or whatever," Cassidy snapped, brushing past the wizened maid roughly. 

Cassidy didn't think Rosa was very much worth her time, considering out of all five maids, Rosa was the most useless. It took her twenty minutes to make one bed, whereas the other four maids did their chores fairly quickly, with the fastest at a record-breaking twenty-five seconds in the Hoskins household. 

Cassidy stepped out onto the grounds of the lot and saw Sylvia waving to her from outside the gates. Next to her, she'd parked a sleek black Nissan, probably the car of one of her parents which she'd managed to loan for the night to drive to Jack's place. 

"You look great, Cass!" 

"So do you! Now let's go!"

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