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Who does he think he is?

I have never been treated like a princess.

I was currently curled up in my bed, under the fluffy purple covers, sobbing. I delicately rubbed my hand over my shoulder, to wince in pain where Justin grabbed me. What is his problem?

"Madison," My mom asked, knocking on my door.

I wiped my eyes with my thumb, "Come in," I yelled. She walked in and sat on the end of my bed, "I got a call from the office, you skipped school?" She asked, a tone in her voice.

"Sorry mom, I just had a bad first day," I whispered, looking down at my hands, my white nail polish already cracking.

"Do you wan to talk about it?" She asked, patting my leg. I shook my head and closed my eyes, biting my lip.

"Ok, sorry sweetie," She told me, before leaving me alone. I sat back and just laid there: thinking.

I looked around my room and realized I haven't put up any of my decorations. I got up and started up packing a box. It had my posters and pictures in it. I took out a few posters, such as Josh Hutcherson and Adam Levine. I taped them to my light purple wall, and put a picture frame on my wooden bedside table. It was a picture of me, my mom, and my dad.

Anger filled up inside of me and I took out the picture, ripping it to pieces.

A tear rolled down my cheek, Justin didn't know how I have been treated.


Next Morning:

"I'm friends with the monster, that's under my bed. Get along with the voices inside my-" I groaned and pressed "off" on my alarm. I kicked the blanket off and walked into my bathroom. I stripped my clothes and hopped into the warm shower. After showering, I dried myself off and walked over to my closet. I put on matching black bra and panties, and dark wash jeans. I slipped on a faded red crop top and black tall uggs that were rolled down. I side-braided my hair, and swiped on some mascara. I grabbed my jacket and school bag and excited my house, the bitter wind nipped my nose, making it raw. I walked to school- avoiding the moron thankfully, and went to my first hour. I sat down in a seat towards the back and got out my black notebook. I stared out the window while other people filled up the classroom.

"Hey, I'm Hannah," Someone's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a girl- She had blonde hair and dark green eyes, that made her skin look really tan. She was wearing jeans and a flannel top, with combat boots.

"Hi, I'm Madison," I smiled at her.

She smiled back and sat in the seat next to me, "Do you go by Maddy?" She asked.

"Sure," I responded. It got quiet, but she spoke up again.

"What lunch do you have?"


"Me too, you can sit by me and my friends if you want," She offered. Taking out a mechanical pencil.

"Are you sure?" I asked, twisting my braid with my hand.

"Of course!" She beamed.

I smiled at her.

"Ok class! We will be reading a play today, any volunteers?" A few people raised their hand, not including me, and we began reading. I kept drifting off, it was so boring. I jumped a little when the door opened. Justin came in wearing a gray hoodie, dark wash jeans, and white high tops. His eyes were covered by his sunglasses, and he

walked to the back do the room, sitting in the empty seat behind me. I immediately felt nervous, and shifted in my seat.

"Care to explain why you're late Mr.Bieber?" Our teacher said, closing his literature book.

Unexpected Love (Justin Bieber)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora