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"Honey, you're gonna be late!" My mom called from downstairs, her voice traveling up the wooden staircase and into my room. I quickly stepped into my black skinny jeans and jumped to get them on.

"K one sec!" I yelled, zipping up the jeans. I threw on a light pink sweater and, tied on my black combat boots. I rushed over to the bathroom and brushed threw my hair, leaving it in its dark brown waves.

I swiped some mascara onto my upper-lashes, and slung my school bag onto my shoulder. I exited my room and hopped down the stairs, entering the warm kitchen. My mom and I just moved here, Canada, from Arizona. My mom got a job transfer, so here we are.

"Bye mom," I said as I gulped down a glass of orange juice.

"Bye Madison," My mom said, sitting at the cherry-colored dinning table, with her hand wrapped around her mug. I turned around and opened the front door, enveloping me with a bitter wind. I tugged at the sleeves of my sweater and shivered, I'm not use to this weather. I walked down the short driveway, and gave my 2-story house one last glance, before crossing the road. My feet crunched the candy-colored leaves as I exhaled, seeing my own breath. I continued walking, knowing where my high-school is, my mom and I checked it out over the weekend. I walked up to a crosswalk and waited for it to say "walk", I tapped my foot impatiently against the concrete, what if I don't fit it? I am going to be the new girl, and it's senior year.

The crosswalk said "walk", so I made my way to the other side of the road, letting the nerves get to me, I am so nervous. All of a sudden, I hear this roaring engine and music turned up so loud, that I can't even hear myself think. It came turning around the corner and speeding down the road. The car had no intention to stop, an was coming right at me. I froze, I couldn't move. 'Im to young to die', I thought, as my heart picked up speed. I shut my eyes really tight and waited for impact. Nothing. I opened my eyes to see the car sitting a couple feet away from me, music still turned up, and the guy in the car had an annoyed look plastered on his face. He looked around my age, with brown hair that spiked up in the front and was buzzed-cut on the sides, with sunglasses on, not allowing me to see the color of his eyes. He honked at me, and that's when my brain connected to my feet and I rushed to the side of the rode. He revved the engine and sped off, leaving tire marks on the road. I stood there with my mouth dropped open. He did not just honk at me.... "Asshole," I whispered, continuing to school.

I finally walked up to the big high school, to see tons of teens walking inside the building. I took a deep breath and followed them. I pushed my way past the crowd, and tried to find the office. I was being pushed everywhere, since I was 5 foot 2, and everyone else towered over me. I finally arrived at the office and ran a hand through my hair.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" A middle-aged woman asked, looking up from her computer.

"This is my first day here, and I need my schedule," I answered, giving her a small smile.

"What's your name sweetie?" She asked, returning my smile.

"Madison White," I replied.

She typed onto her computed and automatically, something came out of the printer.

"Here you go Madison, I'll have your 1st hour teacher assign someone to show you around during 1st hour," She said, handing me my schedule.

I heard a bell ring outside and I figured it was for 1st hour. "Ok, thank you!" I smiled.

"No problem," She said kindly, returning to we computer. I exited the office and wandered down the hallway, trying to find my classroom. The lights shining the hallway were too bright for my liking, and the pale blue concrete floor made the hallway seem longer. I finally arrived at the classroom and took a deep breath. I brought my hand up and knocked.



Sorry I didn't edit it :(

but I hope you like it, it will get better :)

don't forget to vote and comment!

1 vote and I will update!

so vote :))))


•forget the haters cause somebody loves ya•

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