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After I knocked, a middle-aged man opened the door.

"Oh, you must be Madison," He beamed.

I nodded shyly as the rest of the class stared at us.

"Class, this is our new student Madison," He announced, taking the note from my hand and reading it.

"Ok, uhm- Justin! Give Madison a tour of the school and show her her classes. You both get to skip this hour." He said, walking over to his desk.

A boy in the back of the room stood up and walked towards me. He was wearing a fitted black t-shirt, black skinny jeans that sagged, and white high tops. He had a white snapback on, and sunglasses. I then realized he was the moron that almost ran me over with his car this morning, and I glared at him. He ignored my glare grabbed my schedule out if my hands, and walk towards the door. I followed him, only to have the door slam shut right in my face. I angrily grabbed the door knob and swung the door open, to see him already half way down the hallway.

I let out a frustrated sigh and tried to catch up to him. My long hair flew behind me as I fast walked next to him, "Here's your 2nd hour," He mumbled, not bothering to stop

He kept walking down the hallway, "Can you slow down?" I asked, my voice coming out small.

He stopped walking and turned around to face me, "Fine," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes, "You're such a dick," I whispered, crossing my arms.

He didn't say anything, but started walking towards me, making me walk backwards. I kept walking backwards until my back hit the concrete wall. He was standing so close to me, that if I moved the slightest bit, our bodies would be pressed together. I closed my eyes, and started to hyperventilate.

"You think you can call me what you want, huh?" He said with a dark voice.

I stayed silent.

"Answer me," He spat, putting both his hands on my shoulders.

I let out a yelp, "Get away from me," I shakily whispered.

"What, you're not use to me not treating you like a princess?" He evilly chuckled.

A few tears rolled down my face, as I pushed my way out of his grip and out of the school.



Hi guys(:

comment your thoughts on this please!

I won't post chapter 3 until I get 1 vote on this chapter.

luv ya


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